Greetings, cash register wizards! 🛒🧙♀️🧙
Sorry for the long time without new updates but the time has come!
This is the biggest update coming to the supermarket and brings the game one step close to the final vision.
Hope you join our Official Discord Server and help develop the game with your amazing ideas!
Something I will be reworking in the next weeks is the reputation system.
As more and more items are added in, the unlock time between products is too small for the player to handle the new product without having unhappy customers in the store.
For this, the player will now win reputation stars that will be added infinitely and those will allow the player to unlock any product he wants.
Also, here is the roadmap of features coming next:
- Rework on the current reputation system in order to accommodate new product
- Build own supermarket and customize walls, floors and more
- Delivery Services
- Achievements
Game Changes
Coffee Expansion
Now there is the possibility to run a coffee shop inside your supermarket. This means you need to attend customers, take their orders and serve them the products they desire. The products available are yours to decide.
Also, if you decide to run only the coffee and no grocery store, that's also possible!
At the moment employees cannot be assign to any coffee shop task but that's something changing in the near future!
- Player can enable coffee area after the first day in the administration app.
- Grocery store can now be disabled also in the administration app.
Crafting Products
- In this expansion, some products (presented below) will require to be crafted/baked.
- Each product have now some recipe that requires some products in order to craft. This products can be in the storage racks and don't require the player to being holding them in their hands.
- Some products will required to be cut in a cutting board, before served or even stored in the display shelf.
Quick note: Like I mention above, the reputation system will be reworked and you will be able to choose what products you want to unlock at any point in the game. This will improve the recipes since you will also be able to pick what products you must unlock to craft some recipe you want.
Coffee Menu Application
Added to the tablet a new application called "Coffee Menu". This App is unlocked when you enable the coffee area inside your administration application.
Inside the application you will be able to:
- Add/remove products to/from your coffee menu
- Change the product price.
Products Price Customization
Alongside with the possibility to change every product price, customers will also take into consideration for how much you are selling the product and how much it costs daily.
- Products prices are now applied daily instead of hourly.
- Players can change all products selling price.
- While changing the price there is a face reflecting the current selling price compared to the buy price. This will help identifying when you are pushing too much on the price or making a good discount price!
- Customers will take into consideration the current selling price and how different it is from the current daily price of that product (buy price). This will force the player to run low prices to avoid unhappy customers or keep updating daily the prices to reflect the current market situation.
- Customers now have a tolerance to high prices. Abusing it may end up with the customer being unhappy and take no product at all.
- Customers now can take more products than they initially intended. This mean the player can run some discount promotions on some products to quickly empty the stock of some product.
- Any product price change will show a notification to other players telling who changed the price of what product.
When players are grabbing some product from the shelf, they will check the price of that product. New emotes were added to reflect what the customer thinks of the price:
Green Sign - Customer thinks the product cheap and decided to grab more than they initially wanted.
Yellow Sign - Customer thinks the product expensive and they are taking less than they initially wanted.
Red Sign - Customer thinks the product is abusive and is not taking any product at that selling price.
If no sign shows up, means the customer is accepting that product price and is taking the full amount intended of that product.
Also, this will affect the happiness of the customer and eventually the reputation gain. If the customer finds expensive, he will be unhappy while in the other hand, cheaper promotions will keep customers happier and increase the reputation gain.
Warehouse Stock Manager
New service Stock Manager added to Services Application. Activating this service will enable the Warehouse Stock Application.
This stock manager will automatically buy the products you want when some criteria is met.
The stock manager will check if he needs to buy new products every hour.
If there is not enough money, the stock manager will send a message to warn the players.
In this new application you will be able to:
- Check ALL the stock you have of ANY product.
- Turn On/Off the auto-buy of any product.
- Set the minimum stock level to order that product.
- Set the maximum price to order that product.
- Set the quantity to order.
Both the minimum stock level and the maximum price must be met for the stock manager to buy the product.
New Game Customization
This will allow the players to customize uniquely their game experience while providing also some predefined game modes like easy, normal and hard.
When starting a new game, in normal mode, the initial money was bumped from
$15K→ $20K. -
When starting a new game, options menu is now available under the store name.
Different presets can now be picked (Easy, Normal and Hard).
Game mode called Sandbox is available where the player have unlimited money, reputation and everything will be unlocked since the beginning. Some other parameters can still be changed with sandbox selected like reputation multiplier, customers frequency or happiness modifier.
Beside the presets, the player can customize the following parameters:
- Initial Money
- Reputation Multiplier
- Customer Frequency
- Unlock All Tablet Applications [On/Off]
- Unlock All Products [On/Off]
- Runners Frequency
- Thieves Frequency
- Bus Frequency
- Customer Budget Multiplier
- Trash Drop Frequency
- Dirty Floor Frequency
- Customer Happiness Drop Multiplier
With this settings, you can customize uniquely the experience of a new game.
Imagine you want to start with employees right from the beginning? Just unlock all tablet applications and hire employees right away!
Want to switch to coffee shop since the beginning and ignore grocery? Unlock all tablet applications, go to administration app and switch them!
Want to spam your game with thousands of customers and maybe crash the game 💀? Sure, you can do this but... heh never mind, just bump the Customer Frequency and check it!
New Products
Grocery Area
Dragon Fruit
Coffee Area
Some of this products need to be made and some recipes require you to unlock some products first.
Chocolate Cake
Rye Bread
- Objects placed are now sold by the full value for the first 2 minutes. After that the selling price will start decaying to half the price in the next 5 minutes.
New Objects:
Coffee Machine
Drinks Machine
Small Food Display
Cutting Board
Coffee Counter
Coffee Corner Counter
Coffee Long Counter
Long Table
Coffee Table
Coffee Metal Table
Fancy Coffee Table
Wood Coffee Table
Elegant Chair
Plastic Chair
Delivery Kiosk
New Snap/Place-On-Top Mechanics
With this update, not only new products were added but new mechanics to snap and place on top were added also.
- Some objects can now be snapped to other objects. For example chairs to tables.
- Some objects can now be placed on top of others. For example, some small plants, coffee machines, cutting board and others can be placed on top of coffee tables or counters.
Both this mechanics will be further improved in later versions to being able to snap shelves to other shelves or the introducing of new cosmetic objects just for decoration purposes.
- Added the ability to control the Field of View (FOV) in settings.
- Punching other player is now triggering a hit animation.
- When placing/moving an object, the camera will apply slight zoom and offset.
- New crosshair while placing/moving object to help with the placement.
- [Multiplayer] Now weapon is syncing while aiming in all clients.
- Employees can now hold more than one box in hands (10 products) up to 3 boxes (30 products) like the player. This is increased by the employee motivation stat. The maximum 30 maximum products is achieved when the employee reaches 80 motivation.
Quick note: the movement will be capped when holding more than one box at the time (like the player is) but this will speed up restocking, meaning you probably gonna need less employees restocking than before. - Employees will now trigger the street trash animation when interacting with it.
- Now when skipping night, both employee recruitment and employee training will fast forward accordingly to the time skipped.
- Employees resting will not use any chair that is snapped to a coffee table.
- Customers cannot have player or employee skins anymore.
- Customer AI got tweaked so they get stuck less often.
- Tutorial has suffered a little rework in order to accept the placement of the new different capacity items (like small, normal and large shelves).
- Skip night don't show up until you get to the tutorial point where it's time to open the store or intentionally skip tutorial.
- When skipping tutorial, it will now show a prompt to confirm that the player really wants to skip it.
Cloud Saving
- Now the games are stored in Steam Cloud. This means you can jump between different computers or even reinstall the game that your saves are safely stored in cloud.
Steam Deck & Gamepad
Officially going to support steam deck from now on.
- Now when playing in steam deck, the keyboard will automatically open when some input is required from the player (like write store name).
- Virtual cursor will now be visible since the beginning without needing to press any button.
- New icons were added to confirmation dialogs (like hire, fire, skip tutorial, etc.).
User Interface
- Added new HUD showing interaction keys every moment on the right bottom corner. This will adapt based on current context and controller being used.
- Interaction indicators now switch between keyboard/mouse and gamepad.
- There are new object indicators when using keyboard/mouse.
- When editing, now there is a selling price indicator so the player can check the value he will get before selling it.
- All Scroll views got their movement clamped while the scroll sensibility got increased slightly. This will avoid infinite scrolling and clumsy scroll movement.
- Shelf/Storage Rack configuration UI now show the keys to interact around.
- Added indicator in the shelf/storage rack configuration UI when hovering some product.
- Added gamepad icons and support in edit mode, cash register and skip night.
Multiplayer Invites
- Now when accepting any game invitation with the game close, after steam launch the game, the game will automatically join your friend that sent the invitation without require to sent it again and accept in the lobby.
- Updated the engine version. Should fix some crashes.
- Updated the game version watermark on bottom left to something simpler.
- Old music were removed while new ones were added in-game. They are completely copyright free.
🪲 Bugs Smashed
- Fixed an issue where players were able to aim and shoot while placing objects.
- Fixed an issue where virtual mouse was crashing the game when opening tablet.
- Fixed an issue where was impossible to place some objects in the second floor.
- Fixed an issue where was possible to move/sell objects through the floor/ceiling.
- Fixed an issue where returning to lobby and load a save would get object interactions stuck.
- Fixed an issue where customers would stand in front of arcade machines with arms stretch doing nothing.
- Fixed an issue where employee would be stuck when no janitor cart was available in the store.
- Fixed an issue where was possible to move any chair while it was being used by an employee.
- Fixed an issue where while placing objects and holding shift (to duplicate the object), if there was not enough money, the placement UI would stay visible forever.
- Fixed an issue where loading saved game and have less than the required reputation to unlock staff, construction, banking or services would lead to locked apps until the required reputation was achieved again.
- Fixed an issue where was impossible to place objects near the corners of the store.
- Fixed an issue where the game would not run if there was another types of files in the saves folder.
- Fixed an issue where was possible to move the loading bar (ops...)
- Fixed an issue where old saves with old player skins would throw an error and crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where opening the shelf configuration while having no product available for that shelf type would crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where icons of the products in the cash register belt where offset from the actual product.
- Fixed an issue where resetting the key bindings in the options menu would destroy all the UI, forcing the player to close and open settings back up in order to rebind some key after the reset.
- Fixed an issue where the tutorial camera was not being moved properly to the object highlighted by the tutorial message.
- Fixed an issue where pressing enter (or the assigned button) to minimize the tutorial task was not doing anything.
- Fixed an issue where some products would being placed on the air when placing them in the small shelf.
- Fixed wrong icons when opening/closing store using the store switch.
- Fixed an issue where two customers grabbing products from the same shelf could end up grabbing a "ghost item" that didn't exist anymore (quantity below 0).
- Fixed an issue where the ordering products message was showing the name of the product always in English instead of the translated name.
- Fixed an issue where was not possible to place objects when the player was too close from the object being placed.
- Fixed an issue where saved games where not loading when they were corrupted or had compatibility issues related with old versions. Now the save will be automatically reported in order to fix this problems in the future as more and more features gets added in and old save files break.
- Fixed an issue where some objects were impossible from being placed on the second floor.
- Fixed an issue where bad formatted price numbers were showing in the ordering messages.
- Fixed an issue where was possible to interact with objects while they were being placed.
- Fixed a bunch of texts with missing accents on different languages.
- Fixed an issue where was possible to spam K to skip tutorial and eventually crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where loading saved objects were not blocking properly the customers navigation.
👊 Multiplayer Related
- Fixed an issue where Arcade Machines, Selling Machines and Product Stands would crash client when playing in co-op.
- Fixed an issue where the clients would get disconnect when the escalator was trying to move some destroyed object.
- Fixed an issue where security guard was disconnecting clients when they got punched.
- Fixed an issue where duplicated sound were played when employee throwed trash in the street trash.
- Fixed an issue where employees skin was not being synchronized between clients.
- Fixed an issue where dragging products in the shelves and storage racks settings would crash clients.
- Fixed an issue where selling objects too fast would throw an error and crash multiplayer clients.
🎮 Gamepad Related
- Fixed an issue where gamepads were unable to fast forward or skip tutorial messages.
- Fixed an issue where changing between controller and mouse/keyboard in-game would cause the game to crash.
- Fixed an issue where was possible to punch while interacting with some object when playing with a gamepad.
- Fixed an issue where playing with gamepad would double press any UI element.
- Fixed an issue where was impossible to enable some toggles in the settings when using the gamepad.
- Fixed an issue where was impossible to use the gamepad when configurating the shelves or storage racks products.
- Fixed an issue where opening any object interaction radial menu with gamepad would pick the first option right away.
- Fixed an issue where gamepad cursor was not properly being positioned when using other resolutions different from the standard 1080p (this includes steam deck).
Hope you enjoy the update and I'm thrilled to get feedback and more ideas from you guys!
🔥 Nero Games
Changed files in this update