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Super Woden GP 2 update for 5 March 2024

Patch 1.23. Custom skins Update

Share · View all patches · Build 13642596 · Last edited 5 March 2024 – 08:09:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Patch 1.23. Custom skins Update!

It is now possible to create jpg files with custom paints for some vehicles.


1.Access to GAME FOLDER/Super Woden GP 2_Data\StreamingAssets\CAR_SKINS, then open the desired brand and model folder. In Photoshop, Paint_dot_net, or any program of your choice, create a 1024x1024 image (preferably).
2.You can add the Wireframe or base layers to have a reference on how to paint the new skin, these files are included for each car in the respective folder.
3. Save the skin as a jpg file (you must remove the wireframe layer)
4. The file name must be the skin number. For example, it would be 1.jpg for the first skin, 2.jpg for the second, etc.
5.You can check the results almost in real time, saving the file and changing the skin, for example on the dealer screen.
6.If you want to go back to the original skin, just delete the file.

At the moment it is not possible to add a greater number of skins than the ones the car originally has. They can only be replaced.
Stock cars that have basic colors (red, blue, silver) cannot be modified. That is, only racing or rally decorations can be modified.

I will work so that possibly in the future they can also be modified and add more skins than the ones that the car originally comes with.

Feel free to share your creations!

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