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Fargone update for 3 March 2024

Patch NB

Share · View all patches · Build 13628088 · Last edited 4 March 2024 – 04:33:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone here is the first patch with a good chunk of performance improvements in it, I have not gotten to every bug reported yet but this patch does also contain several major bug fixes. The next patch will be out in a few days and will continue with performance improvements, bug fixes and a big improvement will be finally fixing the weather effects going through buildings (I have come up with a good solution for this internally and will begin properly implementing it very soon!).

As always thank you for supporting and playing the game!

-New anims for eating canned food
-New anims for swimming
-Added new garage area next to Runners Village

-Fixed some animation bugs with undead that was impacting performance
-Fixed several cases where interacting with objects while reloading could lock the players weapon
-Fixed a bug that caused zones to not unload far away from player on respawn resulting in performance issues the more times the player died
-Fixed a bug that could cause inventory items to fall through ground when dropped
-Fixed some shadow issues with hunting rifle
-Fixed a bug that caused customisation options such as hair to not load correctly
-Fixed a bug that would cause player storage to refresh each day or when the player was far away loosing any stored items
-Fixed another bug that could cause player to load in under the map
-Fixed splint causing character lock (Currently using a temporary animation)

-Several performance optimisations for character kinematics
-Large optimisation for volumetric fog
-Optimised shadows from volumetric light sources for improved performance
-Removed volumetric lighting from light sources rarely/never seen by player for improved performance
-Optimised ai culling and zone culling
-Improved garbage collection for performance
-Lots of optimisations for weather particle effects

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