Hello everyone, today we have a bit of a surprise for you classic wargame fans out there.
Advanced Tactics Gold has gotten its first update in nearly five years, and it's a big one. ATG is also a whopping 70% off on Steam, so now is a great time to pick it up.
Almost all the credits for this huge update go to Erich Ormand. More than a year of his hard work has fixed many issues and has added plenty of new features. VR Designs looks forward to continue working with Erich on the Advanced Tactics series.
A brief rundown of new features includes...
A new randomized map system with climate zones and random regimes
Our new visual pathing system shows you exactly where your units are advancing
Raising new units allows you to assign an HQ and/or TOE model
Our new system allows to select regimes and gives you many aesthetic options for your opponents
World generation now includes more climate model options spanning all the regions around globe
The full changelog is posted below.
New Game Features:
1. Random Games
a. Added ability for random games to select regime people, colors, and flags.
b. Modified climate system for random games to have seven zones, including climate in the southern hemisphere. Ability to select from 22 different climate options in random games, including the Southern Hemishpere.
2. Added movement path in movement mode. It is displayed by moving the mouse over a valid hex. Displays path and AP cost.
3. Added features to help streamline game play:
a. Added new movement mode activated in the Preferences window. With this, the movement mode stays active until exited. Select units to move
with left mouse click and move to a hex with right mouse click. Right clicking on an enemy unit switches to Land combat mode. It is
possible to move multiple units without having to re-enter the movement mode.
b. Modified creation of new units to allow selection and assignment of an HQ and/or TOE model.
c. Added button in the Transfer Window to transfer subformations needed to meet the receiving unit's TOE requirements.
d. Added Production Overview Window accessible from the main play window.
4. AI Enhancements
a. Improved AI combat decisions to conduct better attacks by utilizing the stacking rules, not conduct very low-odds attacks, and to
advance after combat.
b. Improved AI airstrike decisions to also consider hexes that might be attacked during the AI's turn.
c. Constrained AI units to better comply with stack limits
d. Added constraints to AI movemement to help reduce instances of AI the overstacking
5. Anti-supply Improvements:
a. Made TOE transfers subject to anti-supply losses.
b. Modified anti-supply kills so that they can be displayed in the round they occur.
d. Added capability to make resouces accounted for with a RegimeSlot to be subject to anti-supply interdiction. Activated with Rulevar(938).
e. Added alternative, and improved anti-supply system that allows subformations to intercept anti-supply and implements a fuel cost
for anti-supply. Activated with a Rulevar(940)
6. Modified Campaigns to allow transfers of models, TOE models, units with TOEs assigned, and officers.
7. Introduced auto-naming for screenshots and auto-saves.
8. Improved Preferences Window. Now includes volume sliders for sound effects and music and selecting resolution for screen shots. Added
Preferences window to the opening screen
9. Added capability to make aircraft subformations specific for aircraft carrier operations.
10. Added an alternative strategic movement system where costs are calculated only from the unit to the destination.
11. Significant improvement in the performance of the autoreinforcement algorithm used for the TO&E system. Up to three times faster for large
games with many transfers. Introduced option to have TOE transfers occur in multiple rounds
Masterfile PhoenixGame.at2 for creating random games:
1. Selection of regime people, colors, and flags
2. Three Variants: 1) Use NATO counters on units, 2) Delayed War, 3) Apply Anti-supply to resources, 4) nultiple rounds for autoreinforcements
3. Map labels for resource hexes are updated when the locations are upgraded
4. Added map labels for the cities of the hidden AI regime
5. Introduced algorithm to slow AI factory production as it builds factories.
6. Shipyards are allowed on maps with more than 25% water. The AI can build shipyards.
7. Introduced a prioritization algorithm for AI building of factories
8. Implemented new anti-supply system.
9. Aircraft must be CV capable to operate from aircraft carriers.
10. Low-fuel warning message when fuel stockpiles are low.
Bug Fixes:
1. TOE transfers where HQ would continue transfers despite anti-supply losses. HQ will transfer only the initial request for troops.
2. Fixed zoom in and out feature to correctly center on the map.
3. Fixed bug where clicking on units in the hex info window would not be selected for the TOE Change Model Window.
4. Fixed bug where changing a TOE model name would reset the names for all units with the TOE assigned to them.
5. Fixed TOE import/export feature to utilize all four NATO graphics.
6. Fixed display of an HQ without an officer where subformations are shown in list when selecting this HQ following the selection of an HQ with
an officer.
7. Fixed issues where units were not correctly mobilized when sufficient mobilizers were present in the unit.
8. Fixed bug where preview AP cost for building roads/bridges was incorrect for mobilized Engineer units.
9. Fixed bug where resources and PP production are not updated when giving a city to an ally or setting the city to "No HQ".
10. Fixed bug where production of an obsolete item would be disallowed despite the location having remainders for the item in its queue.
11. Changed production display to not show items with a cost < 0.
12. Fixed bug displaying medium National icon in full zoom mode on big unit counters.
13. Fixed confusing message in Transfer Window when a naval unit is selected. Displays "Naval Unitsa cannot use Navy Cap".
14. Fixed confusing language for paratroops ordered to paradrop/air transfer.
15. Added information to history display when an AI unit has surprise land attack. Added attack arrow showing where attack occurred and
indicating it was an "Ambush Attack".
16. Fixed bug in transfers where the wrong unit was used to apply anti-supply losses to transporters when transferring to an HQ and using
the Cap of the receiving HQ.
17. Fixed bug in editor where event numbers for Location Types for AI building were not properly switched when moving events in the event editor.
18. Fixed CTD in editor when using the TOE designer and SFType Designer and either canceling or entering a regime out of range.
19. Fixed bug when using the zoom wheel and the selected hex changed. If the original selected hex was a production center, the production
button was still active and a CTD would occur if clicked.
20. Fixed "Change Sort Name" in the "Change TOE Model" window so that it also changes the name that is displayed on the unit counter.
21. Fixed uncommon problem where an HQ could be set to a non-HQ TOE model.
22. Fixed text when assigning officer to an HQ with TOE model so that when no officer is present, it says “Appoint” rather than “Swap”.
Similarly, when an officer is present, the text “Selected HQ has no officer” is displayed, as it is for a non-TOE HQ with no officer.
23. Fixed issue where changing the name of a model in the event used to create a model didn’t change the item name after the model was
fully created.
24. Fixed bug where users could not set and save custom colors. These are saved in the file MyATGCustomColors.txt in R,G,B format in the
main directory). Note custom colors are added in the ColorDialog only when clicking OK.
25. Fixed bug in event function to change the name of an SFType model inside the event that creates the model.
26. Fixed bug with aircraft and CV capacity for individual CVs. It was possible to load an aircraft that was too heavy for a single CV if
more CVs were present to cover the total weight.
27. Fixed several refresh problems in the editor.
28. Fixed a round off display problem with the prognosis of the concentric bonus display. If the bonus was 1.10 and the penalty was 1/2, it
would display a bonus of 4% instead of 5%.
29. Fixed bug in recon system where the unit counter would have the correct recon level, but the subformation display had 100% recon.
Modified recon algorithm to be centrally peaked about a most probable value.
30. Fixed bug where clicking on a unit’s HQ in the Unit window would bring up the HQ but the Officer button was inactive.
31. Fixed problem when adding an HQ with leader from an event that is executed using ExecCallFunction. In this case, the TempVar and
TempString variables could be altered.
32. Fixed an issue that can lead to confusion after transfers to units in the same hex by returning the transferring unit to be displayed
at the top of the stack in the hex. When transferring to units into the same hex and selecting the unit by clicking on the map, the
receiving unit is at the top of the pile. When exiting the transfer window, the transferring unit is the selected unit, but is under the
receiving unit, which is displayed at the top of the map. This can lead to some confusion about which unit is selected.
33. Fixed bug where it was possible to unload a unit onto a non-highlighted hex. For example, a hex where an amphibious invasion is not possible
34. Fixed bug where the AP displayed in the unit info window was incorrect for naval units that conducted air operations. It showed 0 AP in
the AP box, but the units still had + AP, which was correctly displayed for each SFType
35. Fixed bug in editor function ExecSFTypeStat that wouldn’t change stats for SFTypes with index 0 and SFTypeCount.
36. Fixed issue with units that have a TOE assigned but have a subformation in the unit that does not have a reinforcement type assigned to it.
This led to incorrect transfers being made, and in some cases a CTD
37. Fixed potential issue in ExecUnitAPModifier where a cap is put in place for existing AP <= 100 + Modifier. This can conflict with the
ActionPointMod for the SFType, which can be greater than 1, and units could start with more than 100 AP.
Capped at 100*ActionPointMod + Modifier.
38. Fixed bug where the map was not correctly centered in all zoom modes following actions in the Production Overview window; in
particular, select a different production location and exit the Production Overview window to the standard production window by clicking
the “Close Production Overview” button
39. Fixed bug when selecting all units to participate in an attack when an allied unit is present in the hex and at the top of the stack.
Units of the current regime in this hex were not added to the attack.
40. Fixed bug in message for troops lost during transfer due to enemy interdiction. The first subformation type in the scenario was omitted
from the message
41. Fixed bug with air lift of unit. There was an inconsistency in the move calculation in the set up and execution, which led to a huge
fuel expenditure for air lifts beyond 50% of the air transport range.
42. Fixed bug in how the event called specified by rulevar(480) for random game setups was being called. It was being executed before the map
was fully set up, which led to potential errors if the event queried regime names, hex ownership, and terrain around small islands.
43. Fixed issue with strategic movement and mouse over where a message was displayed that strategic movement to a hex was impossible even
though the transfer wouldn’t use all the cap. Also, fixed the hex shading in the strategic transfer window to highlight only allowed
transfer hexes.
44, Fixed issue for paradrops on friendly territory where the paratroops were shown as defenders in the battle screen following the drop.
45. Fixed bug in random games where raw was used for constructing airbases and factories when the “No Resources” option was selected.
46. Fixed bug with scrolling the map in the SelectUnit and SelectMap pop-up windows where the map wouldn’t scroll when at the edges of the map.
47. Fixed bug in the Officer Pool where the “Relieve” button was active for HQs without an officer but had a TOE assigned to them
48. Changed swapping commanders so that commanders kept their historical units. This allows scenario designers the ability to track a
commander throughout the game.
49. Fixed CTDs in the editor when selecting the TOE and SFType Model Designers in the and either canceling or giving a regime out of range.
50. Fixed CTD when trying to access the SFType Model Designer in the editor and the model names are set for the regime people
51. Fixed "flashing" that occurred when a windows element, such as Listbox, was closed after getting input from the player.
52. Fixed potential bug where EP for a unit became negative, and doesn’t get zeroed out.
53. Fixed CTD when trying to give a naval unit to an ally while the naval unit is at sea.
54. Fixed bug gifting units to an ally where one could create a unit in the territory of an allied regime and then gift it to another
allied regime despite that regime not being allied to the regime where the unit was created.
55. Fixed bug in DoTransfer routine where fuel for rail transfers would not be charged to rail transfers, but instead would be added to
land transfers.
56. Fixed bug in the editor where adding lines of code to an event would alter the event ID number.
57. Added an option in the Preferences window to have a unique file name for the autosave feature.
58. Fixed bug in the TOE transfer system where the no return feature assigned to the TOE was not being respected.
59. Fixed CTD in the TOE transfer routine that can be caused when an HQ is loaded onto a transport ship.
60. Fixed unit logs set up in the TOE transfer system.
61. Fixed CTD occurring when surrendering in games with officers
62. Fixed bug where it wasn’t possible to upgrade a subformation in a unit from the unit subformation info window if there are 8 subformations
in the unit even if the upgraded subformation was already present in the unit due to a previous upgrade or transfer and wouldn’t exceed
the subformation maximum limit.
63. Fixed bug causing a CTD in subroutine forcing the AI to be resource compliant.
64. Fixed bug causing a CTD when interdicting resources and a regime has lost its destination hex.
65. Fixed bug in new anti-supply routine that occasionally caused a CTD.
66. Fixed bug where the AP cost for engineers to construct a road/bridge was calculated incorrectly when the engineers are mobilized.
Editor Enhancements:
1. Added ability to move data elements in the editor to different positions in their respective lists. subformations, Landscape, items, research, roads, rivers, locations, etc.
2. Added ID tags to each element so that they can be tracked with an ID number after they have been moved. Provided a check function to find the index of an element from the ID number.
3. Made changes to ensure that when data items are moved, other data items listed in the editor dependent on the item being moved are updated.
4. Added feature in editor to allow a scenario variant, if selected, to disable another scenario variant. Only one variant can be selected to disable a variant.
5. Unit Editor: Added prompt when placing a predefined unit on the map asking to set the people for all the subformations in the unit to the people of the owning regime.
6. Unit editor: Added a button to set the people for all the subformations in the selected unit.
7. Unit Editor: Removed ability to assign leaders to non-HQ units.
8. Unit Editor: Added buttons to add copy of selected unit in the selected hex.
9. Unit Editor: Added button to add a copy of a unit (with unit #) in the selected hex.
10. Unit Editor: Made cancel button work properly when copying a UnitNr into a unit as well as adding a copy of a UnitNr into a hex. Previously, canceling would copy unitNr=0 into the unit.
11. People Editor: Modified Add People function to set PeopleGroup mods similar to the default in Rising Dawn.
12. People Editor: Modified Changing PeopleGroup to exchange PeopleGroup mods between old and new PeopleGroup.
13. Landscape Editor: Added capability to copy Move Costs from one Landscape type to another.
14. Landscape Editor: Added capability to copy entrenchment stats from one landscape to another.
15. Landscape Editor: Added ability to copy a Landscape sprite (in addition to adding one).
16. Landscape Editor: Added ability to copy sprites, artistic picture, and sideways sprites from on Landscape to another. Select landscape and sprite to be copied.
17. Landscape Editor: Modified screen so that clicking on the property sheet list will center the property sheet list on the selected item.
18. SFType Editor: Added warning message when deleting an SFType when that SFType is linked to an ItemType.
19. SFType Editor: Added capability to copy combat mods from one Subformation Type to another.
20. SFType Editor: Fixed text associated with FirstRoundPenaltyMod.
21. SFType Editor: Added button to set peoplegroups for the selected SFType to all TRUE/FALSE.
22. SFType Editor: Clarified button to set peoplegroups for all SFTypes. Rearranged the set peoplegroup buttons.
23. Item Editor: Modified displays in the item editor window to show names of elements, such as UseSFTypeGraphic rather than just the index.
24. Item Editor: Added buttons to make PeopleGroups all True or all False, which determines which people group can produce the item.
25. Item Editor: Fixed bug where deleting an item that is being produced at a Location will incorrectly reset some production lines rather than setting production to none.
26. Modified display and input for data that is part of the obj, e.g., SFType, that points to another data element, the name is used, and selected from a list of options, rather than relying on just the index of the data element.
27. Modified looper so that if the endpoint is less than the starting point, the loop is NOT executed at least once.
28. Added undo last draw button for drawing landscapes, area slots, regimes, and special sprites on the map. Includes undoing a draw in fill mode.
29. Changed Graphic overrides for LandscapeTypes so that multiple ovveride landscapes can selected at the same time, instead of adding them one-by-one as was previously done.
30. With exec functions it is possible to load a TOE for a regime with an event as well as to create SFType models for a regime.
31. Added ExecStartTimer() and ExecStopTimer("String") to give designers a mechanism to determine how much time a specific event takes via a pop-up message.
32. Added 17 new check functions
33. Added 22 new exec functions
Changed files in this update