Hi everyone!
This week's update focuses solely on Adventure, but we've also implemented the long-awaited unified import/export dialog. Since this new dialog will replace all areas of the game where you can import/export, we decided not to release it with this update and instead polish it up and give it to our Discord/Patreon premium supporters to test first.
Here are some screenshots of what you can expect the dialog to look like in the future:
- added spell 'Identify Room'
- added spell 'Mana Armor'
- added AI Action 'Adventure: Cast Spell'
- added AI Action 'Adventure: Teleport'
- added AI Action 'Adventure: Buy Market Item'
- added AI Function 'Adventure: Get Mana Armor'
- mana no longer drops in chests
- last armor drop reduced to d130 (was d200)
- last sword drop reduced to d160 (was d200)
- fixed a bug with AI function 'Adventure: Count Entities'
- fixed a special case where map button doesn't get enabled after map unlock
- fixed 'Phoenix Feather' missing a sprite when dropped
Follow us on social media to not miss out on any news!
Discord: https://discord.gg/fireswordstudios
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FireSwordStudio
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fireswordstudios
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDV-wwiAAic-OESAayfUz_Q
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PerfectTower
Changed files in this update