We appreciate your patience with this maintenance. We are glad to inform you that the server is up!
Rewards for this maintenance are the following:
🔸Maintenance Boost Reward only onFebruary 28th: 200%EXP/GP.
🔸Function Metals x100
🔸Nightmare Respawn Tokens X15 (For Maintenance Day Only)
⚠️NOTE: MA Compensation can only be obtained on the day of MA
Thank you!!
PATCH NOTES LINK: https://vfun-lounge.valofe.com/page/ca_reloaded/all/14596
NEW ITEM LINK: https://vfun-lounge.valofe.com/page/ca_reloaded/all/14600
Please follow us on:
Discord: https://discord.gg/combatarms
Website: https://combatarms-r.valofe.com
VFUN: http://vfun.valofe.com/home
Changed files in this update