Hi everyone! I got an update that I'm feeling pretty pleased about and I'm sure you'll enjoy!
I've changed how the zombie AI override system works. Previously users could place a beacon that zombies were attracted to. This worked but was a little cumbersome to manage so I've improved it.
Now users can click and drag on the override screen to set a direction that zombies will automatically follow when they do not have a target to eat nearby. Using this it's much easier to do things such as having all zombies converge on a single building like the police station to override a last stand.
As for zombies currently in buildings, at the moment overriding in any direction will trigger them to try and leave the building as this is the best option to try and prevent them from getting stuck.
I think this is the beginning of adding better manual controls that enable people to have fun changing simulations and is a better direction for the game.
Let me know what you peeps think and what else you want upgraded next!
Changed files in this update