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Orc Survivor update for 9 February 2024

v0.4.0 - Introducing the Mage!

Share · View all patches · Build 13411095 · Last edited 9 February 2024 – 19:09:34 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We're back with another release! This release adds a new class with its first five weapons - the Mage! Unlock the Mage by completing a run with the Rogue.

The Mage has a few new mechanics, that will make it feel and play differently from our existing classes:

  • Mana meter - when playing as the Mage, you'll notice a mana bar. This bar depletes steadily over time, and while you have mana, all your attacks are much more potent. When it runs dry, you'll still be attacking, but at reduced power. Keep an eye out for purple-outlined enemies that drop mana potions to restore your mana and keep yourself at full power.
  • Elemental conditions - The Mage introduces 4 new elemental conditions - Burn, Drenched, Static, and Frosted. Each of these elements interact with each other, such as - Burn a Frosted enemy to cause a Meltdown, causing bonus damage. Apply Static to a Drenched enemy to cause Conduction, spreading lightning damage through the area.
    Furthermore, leveling up a weapon that increases the strength of these conditions apply that bonus to all weapons that apply that condition, not just the level-up weapon! Currently, this is reflected in being able to infuse your Magic Missile weapon with a damage type. Infuse it with water to drench your enemies, then level-up your Geyser weapon to make all drench effects more powerful, even the drenches from the Magic Missile weapon. With only 5 weapons, this cross upgrade system is limited. But with the full mage weapon suite, we intend these interactions with elemental conditions to make planning an ideal Mage build much more exciting than builds with other classes.

This also incluces a bunch of other improvements across the game:

  • Most forms of player-effecting knockback has been removed. Now, only bosses and shieldbearers can knock around the player. This has been something requested by a lot of people, as with the previous knockback effects, you could quite easily get ping-ponged around and comboed out, which was not very fun.
  • Added Rare weapon mods for all Warrior weapons. With the release of the Rogue, we reviewed the number of weapon mods, and wanted to have at least 3 to 5 rare mods per weapon. Weapons for Warrior was behind this goal, so we've updated to add many new Rare mods for the Warrior weapons.
  • Add Elemental-based weapon mods to a handful of Rogue weapons.
  • Mitigate the 'flashbang' effect in the underground. With some weapons (such as warhorn or net), they would make all enemies flash white all at the same time, causing a bright flash of light, especially in the underground. The amount of white flash has been lowered to try to fix this.
  • Knockback has been reworked. When you knockback enemies, it should appear much smoother for weapons with a lot of knockback, as it will apply the knockback less abruptly, over a longer period of time.
  • Add optional toggle for lighting effects to improve Underground performance. Turn this on if you're on an older GPU for a big gain in performance in the Underground!
  • Preload game assets to prevent stutters when playing a run. If you've ever noticed single frame stutters when playing the game, these should mostly be fixed with this change.
  • **Adjust the Ghost sprite to be more Ghosty.
    * Update phrasing across all weapon level-ups and weapon mods to follow consistent word choices.**
  • Add a sound effect when your blink ability can be used again as Rogue, making it easier to tell when it's available again.
  • **Pause the game when you open the Steam Overlay while in a run.
    * The Warden is tired of people getting away. He now can walk over obstacles**, really upping the pressure in the Underground.

And finally, a big list of bugfixes:

  • Make the cannonball explosion mod card effect to also occur when it despawns due leaving the player's screen.
  • Adjust how spear applies its attack to make it more consistently push back all enemies.
  • Make the Javelin effect work against the Warden enemy.
  • Properly skip chest sound effect when chest animation is skipped.
  • Hordes of enemy spiders in the underground were much faster than anticipated. Their speed has been lowered.
  • On your second run in a row, the Nightmare boss would spawn in with their sprite in their damaged appearance. This has been fixed.
  • Adjust King Slime hitboxes (and for his children) to appear right when they land, instead of a half second late.
  • Fix the Juiced sound effect to not sound as awkward for the Underground's music.
  • Remove a minimum range from the Javelin, so it's able to appropriately hit enemies that are close to you.

Finally, thanks for every one who reviewed the game! We just hit 10 reviews, and it helps out a ton. Full Mage and the Palace map coming soon!


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