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RPG in a Box update for 30 September 2023

Release Notes for v1.0.8.6

Share · View all patches · Build 12320752 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:11:45 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Features/Changes:

  • Added initial implementation of ranged enemy projectiles in free movement (i.e. projectiles will no longer track the player when fired in free movement)
  • Added initial support for using skills during tactical turn-based battles (via the "Use Skill" action if the active character has any available skills)
  • Added initial support for using skills during menu-driven turn-based battles (via the "Use Skill" menu if the active character has any available skills)
  • Added "Cooldown (Turn-Based)" setting to the Skills section of the Stats Editor for specifying a skill's cooldown when used during turn-based battles
  • Added "Usable in combat" setting to the Skills section of the Stats Editor for indicating whether or not a skill is able to be used during battles
  • Added "Tick On Apply" setting for "Healing/Damage Over Time" status effects to indicate if the effect should tick when first applied to a character
  • Added "Duration (Turn-Based)" and "Duration (Roguelike)" settings for the temporary stat buff and debuff skill effects in the Stats Editor
  • Added "Party" as a target option for skills in the Stats Editor (when using a script as an effect, the $target variable will contain an array of members)
  • Added "VHS/CRT Monitor Effect" feature to the Map Editor for enabling the effect on a per map basis, with settings for customizing its appearance
  • Added ability to assign placeholder images to storage, equipment, and crafting slots (i.e. an image that will be displayed whenever the slot is empty)
  • Added ability to use custom currencies for an item's cost in the Item Editor (used by widget shop slots when the player buys an item from the slot)
  • Added new "Select Attach Point" mode for the attach point tool in the Voxel Editor for selecting and deleting attach points via the 3D viewport
  • Added ability to cut, copy, and paste single objects and characters in the Map Editor via the Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, and Ctrl + V shortcut keys
  • Added support for removing enemies and party members via script during tactical turn-based battles, either via damage or the "Remove Entity" function
  • Updated Stats Editor to prevent a custom stat from being removed if it's tied to a custom currency (an informational dialog will display indicating this)
  • Updated free movement disclaimer dialog to indicate that bugs can now be submitted and that the use of free movement should be noted in the bug report
  • Updated About dialog to include credit to Peter Höglund of Godot Shaders for the VHS/CRT monitor effect used by the Map Editor and in-game functionality

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue where the "Interval (Turn-Based)" setting for status effects in the Stats Editor was not being properly saved when modified
  • Fixed issue where using the "Put Player" function in first-person free movement mode could cause the orientation of the player model to become out of sync
  • Fixed issue where any skills assigned to a character were lost when their model was changed using the "Set Entity Model" scripting function
  • Fixed issue where the "Effect Details" section was incorrectly displaying when the selected skill in the Stats Editor didn't have any effects assigned to it
  • Fixed issue where custom stats added in the Stats Editor would not show in the "Associated Stat" dropdown for currencies until the project was reopened
  • Fixed issue where the mouse cursor wasn't being hidden/shown when using the "Change Camera" function to switch between camera types in free movement
  • Fixed issue where the player was unable to seamlessly transition into strafing left/right in first-person grid-based mode when holding down a strafe key
  • Fixed issue where dragging an item outside of a widget could cause the item to disappear when using free movement with the management screen disabled
  • Fixed issue where defeated enemies could still move in roguelike mode if they had a "death" animation and the "Remove Defeated Enemies" setting was disabled
  • Fixed issue where a battle could fail to start if it was the first one created in the Combat Editor without changing maps and no "combat.json" file existed yet
  • Fixed issue where the built-in player health bar would display during tactical turn-based battles even with the "Show Player Health" setting disabled
  • Fixed issue where floating health bars were not being properly removed when using "Remove Entity" to remove a character or a tile occupied by characters
  • Fixed issue where any existing floating health bars for the current map were not being hidden when transitioning to a turn-based battle
  • Fixed issue where widgets were not being updated when a skill with a stat buff/debuff effect was used (e.g. text labels displaying the stat)
  • Fixed issue where the main player character would disappear after transitioning from a free movement map to another map for a menu-driven turn-based battle
  • Fixed issue where the camera could become incorrectly offset after transitioning between free movement maps (camera is now reset when loading a free movement map)
  • Fixed issue where the dialogue window would remain visible if the "Restart Game" scripting function was called while the window was being displayed
  • Fixed issue where the dialogue window would remain visible if the "Load Map" scripting function was called while the window was being displayed
  • Fixed issue where entity tooltips would remain visible if the "Restart Game" scripting function was called while the tooltip was being shown for an entity
  • Fixed issue where entity tooltips would remain visible if the "Load Map" scripting function was called while the tooltip was being shown for an entity
  • Fixed issue where the "death" sound effect would play after finishing a tactical turn-based battle then damaging an enemy in free movement
  • Fixed issue where enemy spawns containing a character stored within a subfolder could cause the spawn to break when killing an enemy or loading a save
  • Fixed issue where the "Character Collides" trigger event for objects was incorrectly triggering in free mment mode when the player entered the object's tile
  • Fixed issue where the "When Player Collides" NPC behavior was incorrectly triggering in free movement mode when the player entered the NPC's tile
  • Fixed issue where the "Interact" control icon/text was not being hidden whenever a dialogue or message was being shown in free movement mode
  • Fixed issue where dialogue couldn't be progressed by clicking the left mouse button (only using the space bar) if the screen was currently faded out
  • Fixed issue where entities could no longer be interacted with by the mouse cursor if a clamped or one-time animation was played followed by a looping animation
  • Fixed issue where a "Remove Entity" error would sometimes display in the debug console after the player character had been defeated by a projectile
  • Fixed issue where deleting an entity in the Map Editor then undoing the action would not properly add the entity's ID back to the map's entity ID lookup
  • Fixed issue where the eyedropper tool in the Map Editor would not always select the proper model if there were multiple with the same name within subfolders
  • Fixed issue where undo/redo actions were not being created when assigning an entity ID to an entity from the Map Properties tab in the Map Editor
  • Fixed issue where the Voxel Editor would be marked as having changes when switching to an attach point with scale values differing from the previously selected one
  • Fixed issue where cancelling out of the "New Attach Point" dialog then changing to the "Attach Voxels" tool could cause the cursor to inadvertently add voxels
  • Fixed issue where conditional expressions in the Dialogue Editor would show the default expression in compact mode after saving and reopening the dialogue
  • Fixed issue where duplicating a "Display Choices" node in the Script Editor would use the "Assign Value" node for the copy instead of "Display Choices"
  • Fixed issue where compound operators (+=, -=, *=, /=) were not working properly when used to modify the value of a custom numeric item property
  • Fixed issue where built-in entity properties were not being accepted when used with a local variable and the "==" operator in a conditional expression
  • Fixed issue where names for items assigned to a container in the Map Editor would display as blank if a translations file didn't exist for the default locale
Windows Linux Base PCK (Windows/Linux) Depot 498311
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macOS 64-bit MacOS 64-Bit Content Depot 498315
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