We’re happy to announce the release of Pixelmash 2023.5, which includes a powerful new Ground Shadow layer effect, improvements to the Gradient and Repeat layer effects, and several bug fixes.
The new Ground Shadow effect is a powerful way to get perfect shadows beneath characters and other assets in your pixel art projects. The shadow will automatically update to the width of the pixels in any given frame (with sliders to adjust relative width and height, among other controls), so it moves perfectly with animations. Apply the effect in the master layer of a file, with different character animations in sub-layers, to get an automatic, beautiful, consistent shadow across multiple animations.
Pixelmash’s Gradient layer effect has also been expanded with support for multiple blend modes, in addition to new Blend Amount and Bias sliders. These extra controls bring tons of powerful new ways to use gradients in your pixel art.
Release Notes:
- Added native support for ARM processors on newer Macs, improves speed and responsiveness
- Added new Ground Shadow layer effect
- Added new options to the Gradient layer effect
- Added support for negative Spacing values in the Repeat effect
- Several bug fixes
Changed files in this update