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Mechabellum update for 27 September 2023

Update 0.7.25

Share · View all patches · Build 12292857 · Last edited 27 September 2023 – 05:52:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.


This update will be carried out at 8:00 am on September 27, 2023, UTC time. At that time, the server will undergo update maintenance for about 60 minutes.

Credit Store

A new Credit store has been added, where players can purchase avatars, avatar frames, emotes, prediction tickets.
The store has its own level system. The more goods and services you purchase, the higher the level of the store.
In addition to selling items, the store also has some other functions. For example, the store will automatically generate some credits for players to use.
There are currently more than 200 items in the store, and we will continue to add new items and item categories to the store in the future.

Balance adjustments


The size of the WAR FACTORY has been adjusted from 8x8 to 7x7.
WAR FACTORY's damage to player HP has been adjusted from 800 to 600.
WAR FACTORY's upkeep has been adjusted from 200 to 150.
The price of [High Explosive Ammo] has been adjusted from 200 to 150.
The price of [Armor Enhancement] has been adjusted from 300 to 200.
The interception efficiency of [Missile Interception] has been greatly improved.
The price of [SLEDGEHAMMER Production] has been adjusted from 300 to 250.


The HP bonus provided by [Energy Absorption] is adjusted from 60% to 40%.


[Subsidized MUSTANG] is adjusted from level 1 to level 2.
[Heavy MUSTANG] is adjusted from level 1 to level 3, and the range reduction value is adjusted from 15 to 20.


The HP bonus provided by [Energy Absorption] is adjusted from 60% to 40%.


HP adjusted from 35242 to 37005.
Attack adjusted from 88 to 90.
The experience required for leveling up have been adjusted from 2200 to 2000.


The price of [Assault Mode] is adjusted from 300 to 200.


Attack interval adjusted from 3.3 to 3.4.
Attack adjusted from 3268 to 3367.


Slightly reduced the missile interceptor's continuous interception capability.


Now displays a grid within a certain range when moving units.
The appearance of some units and skills has been slightly adjusted.
Fixed a lot of small bugs.

Changed depots in internal_test branch

View more data in app history for build 12292857
Windows 64-bitsteamglobal Steel Warzone Depot Windows Depot 669331
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