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It's Only Money update for 27 September 2023

Weekly Content Update #14 Now LIVE!

Share · View all patches · Build 12291038 · Last edited 27 September 2023 – 04:33:30 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone, this weeks content update features an overhaul to the Pawn store mechanics, allowing you to buy low and sell high around the city. Get ready to do some day trading!

Pawn Store Overhaul

Entering a Pawn shop will allow you to buy and sell as usual, but there's an additional mechanic at play now. Looking to the top of the vendors inventory, you'll notice two boxes: Wanted & Clearance.

Clearance items will be half off, allowing you to stock up on cheap goods. Wanted items can be sold for double their usual amount. Different Pawn shops are looking for different things, and their inventory and requests reset every midnight in-game time. So grab a car, haul around the city, buy low and sell high. Also be sure to pop into Sneddons to increase your Bank Inventory space, you might need it!

SlimeAid Vending Machine and Item

You may notice a new green vending machine in Rockhaven this week. It doesn't sell Conk'e Cola, it sells SlimeSip! A fantastic new drink that when consumed boosts the speed of pickpocketing success. Grab a can and get to work stealing.

New Shop: Undercity Pawn

Take a detour from the Beggar King and you'll notice a new trading post has opened up in the Undercity. Handy to dump off wares, or check the clearance items before you head on up into Rockhaven proper.

Other Additions/Bug Fixes:

  • Added new items that intend to be used more substantially when Chapter One Drops:
    Sapphire Gem, Found on Rich Citizens
    Bluetooth Speaker, Found on Medium Income Citizens
    D-Battery, Found on Poor Citizens
    Spare Tire, Found in Car Inventories

  • Fixed some floor meshes that would cause NPC's to be stuck halfway in the ground.

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