This update refines the itemization changes introduced in version 0.4, targeting a more balanced approach to ship upgrades following the addition of negative attributes to all items.
- Added 18 new normal (white) item upgrades
- Added 11 new rare (blue) item upgrades
- Added 5 new epic (purple) item upgrades
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Resolved a bug that required a game restart if you picked up a powerup while at the death screen in order to get powerups in future runs.
- Concealed in-game score during boss encounters to minimize screen distractions.
- All boss projectiles now detonate upon boss defeat, preventing posthumous damage to the player.
- Havoc's imminent jumps are now signaled with red flashes for player awareness.
- The Skull Sentinel's upcoming laser attacks are now pre-announced with red flashes.
- Corrected a bug where The Skull Sentinel moved during laser fire, resulting in unavoidable player damage.
- Addressed an issue causing drones to be ineffective against boss enemies.
- Fixed a glitch where receiving a powerup post-mortem granted it at the start of the next game.
- Updated and clarified item upgrade stats; corrected typos.
- Lowered the max on-screen projectile count from 175 to 125 to alleviate late-game congestion and lag.
- Marginally boosted boss health levels.
Changed files in this update