Hi folks,
This small update brings bugfixes for some newer and older issues. We sneaked in some improvements to map voting, to the cinematic camera, and added 15 new TDM maps.
We took some steps to improve map votes at the end of CTF/TTH rounds. It no longer nags the user quite as much and the random option was replaced with a 3rd map to vote for. Also, hovering a map will also show a zoomed preview to make it easier to discern its features.
Our goal was to make map voting a little less tedious, and hopefully people feel more interested and satisfied in the process.
The cinematic camera was improved in a few ways. It should now be much more obvious how to temporarily disable it, and that will now be remembered across rounds. If you don't like it, you now have the option to permanently disable it in settings (under the Misc tab). Additionally, we tried to address unnecessary motion and shakiness when tracking a lot of players. We may adjust this even further in the future, and feedback is welcome.
Full changelog:
[fixed] catapults could not be unpacked (thanks gingerbeard)
[fixed] players not gaining velocity when thrown from a catapult (thanks gingerbeard)
[fixed] incorrect catapult button icons (thanks gingerbeard)
[fixed] the ballista arm facing an incorrect direction after being unpacked (thanks gingerbeard)
[removed] map voting: no more dimmed screen to nag the player (thanks guift)
[modified] map voting: 3 maps to select instead of 2 + 1 random vote (thanks asu)
[added] map voting: hovering a map shows a zoomed in version of the map (thanks asu)
[fixed] map voting: rewrote heaps of logic, easier to mod/tune and less sync bugs hopefully (thanks asu)
[fixed] incorrect seclev loading made some clients think they were admin when they weren't and vice versa (thanks asu)
[dev] moved "/" command prefix to a unique place (thanks epsilon)
[fixed] synced up flag animations across outposts/ballistae/warboats/flags (thanks kos)
[modified] reworked some emotes (thanks noahthelegend, asu)
[modified] cinematic camera motion adjusted to be less shaky (thanks asu)
[modified] slightly improved next map behavior wrt camera, starts straight centered and zooms in (thanks asu)
[fixed] cinematic camera setting was not preserved on next map (thanks asu)
[added] v_camera_cinematic and setting in Misc. to permanently disable the cinematic camera if desired (thanks asu)
[added] small notice on top left that is contextually brought up to indicate cinematic camera status, and a hint to toggle it with RMB (thanks asu)
[modified] toggling the cinematic camera with RMB will only take effect after the camera "death lock" is gone to reduce accidental clciks (thanks asu)
[fixed] archer grapple going through red barrier (thanks asu)
[fixed] drill now gets team colored in the builder shop (thanks asu)
[fixed] siege arms (cata/balli/bow) attached to a vehicle would mismatch vehicle direction (thanks gingerbeard)
[modified] boats are now much more robust against bombarrows: 8-9 to sink a warboat, 3-4 to sink a longboat (thanks gingerbeard)
[fixed] hid the respawn timer in warmup instead of having an incorrect one (thanks asu)
[fixed] TTH/CTF solo tutorials incorrectly showed map votes (thanks asu)
[modified] TDM mapcycle: added 15 (thanks noahthelegend for changes, maps from biurza, noahthelegend, ferrezinhre), see PR #1640
[updated] accolades for UKC 16-19 (thanks shamwow)
Changed files in this update