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Relic Hunters Legend update for 21 September 2023

Early Access: What’s New and Known Issues

Share · View all patches · Build 12249610 · Last edited 21 September 2023 – 19:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We are so excited for everyone to jump into Relic Hunters Legend’s Early Access on
September 25th, 2023!

Here are some game mode highlights for you to experience during Early Access!

  • New Game Mode: In a new game mode Asteroid Dungeon Nemesis, players can earn the best loot in the galaxy by conquering five increasingly challenging missions. Upon completing each mission, either solo or in highly cooperative multiplayer matches with up to three other Hunters, players can receive incredible limited time rewards like ultra-rare Legendary Materials, endgame Gear and Weapons, and lots of Bounty.
  • Friendship Adventures: Through the single player story mission Friendship Adventures, players can delve deeper into the Hunters’ stories and lore. The Early Access Launch debuts the Friendship Adventure “Keytar Hero” to unlock Raff, the team’s engineer musician, and “Ace of Hearts” for Ace, the team’s jetpacking pilot donkey.
  • New Relics: Three new powerful Relic weapons - the Thunder Hammer, The Cross, and The Obsidian Cat - can be uncovered and equipped to deal massive damage. 
  • New timeline unlocked: Broken Era, with the new EPIC difficulty. Collect the new super-rare Unique Gear, a new collection of super-powerful gear pieces available on the Broken Era.
  • Players can continue to enjoy unlocking playable Hunters through story mode, and jump into missions either solo, with friends, or with Hunters from around the world to comb the universe for powerful loot and face off against the evil Ducans.

But it doesn’t stop there! We’ll continue to deliver content updates over the course of Early Access, including new Hunters, missions, and story content. We’ll also continue to refine the game based on player feedback.


This is an in-development build of Relic Hunters Legend, so you may encounter some issues while you play. Below are some of the known issues you may encounter:

  • Players may get soft-locked when playing Fight Like a Rebel's first Quest, due to their weapons not working properly during this mission. Leaving the Secret Market and reentering fixes this issue.
  • Shift Overlay may display incorrect language in 'Rewards History' section
  • Cannot send Trade invitation if your system datetime isn't at the expected according to international system datetime
  • There are a few lines in some Story Missions that are in English even if you are playing in other languages
  • Sometimes Private/Public Matchmaking options won’t work as expected
  • Scoreboard may not show other players' custom cosmetics setup.
  • Game Mode Announcements are sometimes resetting when the game is paused during a match.
  • Game Mode Audio Announcements sometimes are playing the wrong audio clip.
  • World Map paths sometimes do not represent the actual map node connection state properly.
  • In-game map silhouettes are not visible for remote Players.
  • Sometimes certain Faction Quests mark all MapNodes as relevant to the completion of those Quests.
  • Sometimes enemies are not interrupted when defeated or when crowd-controlled.
  • Certain Item Affixes only have their texts written in English.
  • Asteroid Dungeon Nemesis Greater Timeline map nodes have their graphics misaligned.
  • Opening the SHiFT Overlay while using Steam Deck traps the player in the SHiFT Overlay screen, forcing them to use the Steam Deck Overlay to exit the game.

If you find bugs that aren't on this list, you can report them using the steps below! Thank you so much for being a part of our community, Hunter! ⭐


In-Game Bug Report Tool

If you encounter any issues while playing, there’s a handy built-in bug-reporting tool!
To access it, hit F3 on your keyboard. This will automatically take a screenshot and attach it to your report, so our team knows where the issue happened.

Next, fill out the Description text box with:

  • What you were doing when the issue arose
  • What the issue (bug) was
  • Where you found it

For instance, if the audio suddenly cut out while playing in the Galyno Canyon stage, you would hit F3 and write:

“While playing in the Galyno Canyon stage with my party, the sound of the weapons disappeared right after I switched weapons and didn’t come back”.

Please feel free to report any bugs you encounter, no matter how simple they may seem. Each bug report is valuable information for our team and helps us make Relic Hunters Legend even better!

We are beyond excited to have Relic Hunters Legend in Early Access on September 25th. Join our Community to meet, talk, and play with other Hunters and prepare for your SUPER AWESOME adventures hunting relics and taking down the Ducans!

Windows Relic Hunters Legend Content Depot 633081
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