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Learning Factory update for 19 September 2023

Top Secret Factory Cluster - New Update, v0.23.150

Share · View all patches · Build 12227284 · Last edited 19 September 2023 – 20:33:32 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey engineers,

This new update extends the game campaign, facilitates customization items' unlocks, and brings tons of usability improvements! Update and rejoice!

v0.23.150 Released!

Visuals, Sounds, New Content
  • HALLOWEEN IS HERE + 3 new themed items for cats
  • An alternative map for campaign: more intricate landscape, less reources, available to those who started playing the main campaign at least once
  • Decreased prices for most customization items, some items can be unlocked for triggering certain in-game events
  • New customization item: Shiny Down jacket, unlocked for mining Gold
  • New customization item: Dr. Katz's friends fan club hat, unlcoked for satisfying 'Friendly cats' legendary cat
  • Made it easier to notice that a new customization item was unlocked
  • New music track for Jungle biome
  • New music track for Tundra biome
  • New Legendary cat
  • Re-rendered Yarn Ball Maker
  • Minor terraforming visuals upgrade
  • Parts of holiday decorations can be toggled on and off in the settings (suggested by Trichouette)

Buildings && Upgrades
  • 2 upgrades for the Enriched Soil Silo, increasing the crafting limit (suggested by Евгений Ры́марев)
  • New upgrade for Soil Silo, allowing automatic crafting of Concrete Flooring
  • New upgrade for the Roadside Boutique, adding an extra slot for goods
  • Roadside Boutique logics redesigned: a connected machine learning model will always be working, and it is always possible to switch to your own price or sales mode
  • A new recipe for the Milk Drill, one of the older recipes modified (suggested by Ksetrat)
  • Crafting limit for Compost Machone increased from 500 to 5000
  • Faster Concrete production in the desert requires 1 unit of Catnip Juice instead of 2
New Hotkeys && Instruments
  • Added a hotkey for crafting a copy of a building when mouse cursor is over it ('U' by default); pressing 'Ctrl' + 'U' results in crafting up to 100 copies;
  • Pressing 'Ctrl' + 'U' or 'Ctrl' + click when hovering over a building on the building panel in the bottom part of the screen (suggested by MarcusZ)
  • Pressing 'Ctrl' + 'open Backpack' while hovering over a building on the building panel opens the tab containing this building and select it, if possible (suggested by MarcusZ)
  • Opening the Wiki while hovering over a building on the building panel opens the tab containing this building and select it, if possible
  • Pipette tool can now work with the building panel
  • Pressing 'Ctrl' + pipette hotkey on the building panel creates a Blueprint
QoL && Interface
  • Picking up all the Blueprints doesn't result in picking up all objects from the map anymore
  • Added a timer indicating the time left before the next event starts
  • Wiki articles show optimal biomes for growing plants (suggested by Евгений Ры́марев)
  • Added an option to sort recipes in the Wiki (suggested by MarcusZ)
  • It is no longer ppossible to change water tiles to ground tiles under Trade Routes
  • Improved tutorial
  • UI/UX fixes
Techie Stuff
  • Performance optimization
  • Performance optimization in zoomed out view
  • Bug fixes (via Евгений Ры́марев, LoadRunner, Ksetrat, MarcusZ)

Re: Factory

We're planning to continue answering the question you send our way through the in-game feedback form!

Q: 'pressingg tab to go to the underworld will let me pass the barrier and let me walk on water, from what I have tested it needs to have cotton next to a slope and for some reason tabs puts me in the underworld water side.' -Deadvite
A: This is a known bug, and a mighty hard to fix one, too. Since it doesn't break the game, we have no immediate plans in looking into it, not before we finish tasks with higher priority

The next batch of questions is from our friend MarcusZ

Q: 'Missing german translation of "microchip" inside the wiki. Btw it is "Mikrochip".'
A: Most of our current translations are community-based, you are very welcome to help us by making contributions to Learning Factory's Crowdin Project.

Q: 'I often use the map to find rare deposits like gold, milky iceberg and cactuses. Although color coded, these are difficult to see.
It would be helpful to:

  • make Map a fullscreen window
  • highlight choosable type of resource on the map (i.e flashing color)
  • place/delete user defined marker(s)'
    A: When we were working on the map, we didn't think that we'll need to add as many features suggested by our players. We might add some lenses in the future, and most likely will, but probably not all of those listed. In the meantime, you can enlarge the map to almost fill the screen, by pressing 'M' button twice.

Q: 'My logarithmic learning model does not get training data, although it is connected. I already deleted/rebuild it. (See attached save where i am standing)'
A: Logistic Regression is a dedicated ML model for Roadside Boutiqes, and must be connected to one in order to start collecting data.

Q: 'Is the "Graphic Card Assembler" a scientific building by accident? It is a production building so I would expect it to be in the production category.'
A: It's listed in both categories.

Q: 'When I search for a blueprint, matching entries get highlighted, non-matching are grayed out. But I still have to scroll through the whole list. This is uncomfortable.
I suggest to implement the filter to remove non-matching blueprints and use an X-Button to remove the filter and restore the list'
A: Thanks for poiting that out, we're now thinking of optimal solution to this situation. Just removing non-matching Blueprints from the list might not be the best way to solve it but, again, we're working on it.

Q: 'I reached a point where some cats have more then 5 wanted goods so that one shop per cat type cannot satisfy the need. I thought about reworking my factory layout to split the cats not by type but by good category. But this is also not working, because often cats want multiple products from multiple categories. Because i want to create an effective factory this is frustrating me.
So I suggest to implement a way to sort cats so that their need can be satisfied. My idea: When a cat wants multiple products they should be of one single category.'
A: There're plenty of ways to satisfy all requests of a cat. Here's a brief list of things you can do:

  • Research an upgrade increasing the number of slots for items in Cat Stores
  • Sort cats by requests using respective Splitter/Manipulator: some cats are looking for multiple items from specific categories (they're called 'Specialized purchases' and can bee seen in the wiki), so it makes sense to separate them from the rest and send to dedicated Stores
  • Sort cats by types using respective Splitter/Manipulator
  • Use Specialized Smart Stores
  • Use Advertising Cat Gates to attract cats of specific types/requests

A friendly reminder: you can always chat with us directly on our Discord server. We're using Discord for work, so you'll find many of us there most of the time, don't be a stranger!

Don't forget to follow Learning Factory on Steam to get the news about new updates as soon as they're out there


How to Get More Involved

Going to Early Access is but the first step to glory (and eternal cat happiness). Wanna be part of what happens next? Head to this blog post and learn how to help make the game even more awesome!

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