Now live!
-Chess Engine AI got improved, it's better at end games and better at finding clever tactics. Also strategically more adept. Example FEN strings of new positions it could solve (you can for example use lichess site here: and copy paste the fen strings to see the correct moves for the chess puzzles:
r4r1k/1p1bbppp/1qp1pn2/4B3/3P3P/1P1B1QR1/P3NPP1/1K1R4 w - - 0 15
2N4k/5p1p/p4q1b/1p1P3R/2npQ3/P5P1/1P4KP/8 w - - 1 38
rn2k2r/1bQ1qpp1/p3p3/2bp4/P2N3p/2PB4/1P3PPP/R1B1R1K1 w kq - 0 1
6k1/p1P5/P1r5/2p1K3/8/8/2R5/8 w - - 0 1
r2k3r/pp3pb1/3p3p/1BpP2p1/Q7/P1P2q2/1P3P2/R3R1K1 w - - 0 2
r1bq1rk1/ppp2pp1/2np1n1p/3Np1NQ/7P/1B1P4/PPP2PP1/2KR3R w - - 0 1
2r1r1k1/Q2R1pp1/R6p/1q6/2n5/2P2NP1/5PKP/8 b - - 1 26
8/8/8/6p1/5kP1/7K/8/8 w - - 0 1
2r1r1k1/Q2R1pp1/R6p/8/8/2P1PNP1/4q2P/6K1 b - - 2 28
8/8/8/8/3p1B2/4p3/5p2/5K1k w - - 0 1
8/8/p6p/3k4/Pp4PP/3K4/8/8 w - - 0 1
8/8/p6p/2k5/Pp4PP/4K3/8/8 w - - 0 37
5N2/4P3/7k/6r1/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1
7k/5p1p/p4q2/np1P1N1R/3p2Q1/P5P1/1Prb2KP/8 w - - 1 35
2r2rk1/1R3pp1/n3pP1n/q2p4/p2P1NP1/R2Q1P1p/2N4P/6K1 w - - 0 1
8/8/3k4/3p1p2/3P4/2P5/3KR1r1/8 b - - 0 1
8/8/8/3pKp2/2kP4/2P5/8/8 b - - 6 5
7k/K7/8/1P1B4/8/1b4p1/8/8 w - - 0 1
8/1p6/6p1/2k5/5PKP/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
-Also fixed graphical glitches in the menu sliders, they were stretching inappropriately when selecting values
- TLDR: Chess Engine AI got upgraded (around 200 rating points): The new lvl 8 is approximately as strong as old lvl 10. Now the strongest Chess AI is around ELO level 2200.
Changed files in this update