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Nix: Ashes of the Phoenix update for 15 September 2023

Version 0.20230915.1: A farewell

Share · View all patches · Build 12197208 · Last edited 15 September 2023 – 09:26:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Version 0.20230915.1: A farewell

Hi folks,
Before we started Doomsday, Jeff and I were drinking at the pub, and were toying around with ideas for businesses.
Then, all of a sudden, I asked him, Jeff - "Mate, what if we started a video game studio?"
Before Jeff had answered, I said to him "Actually, forget about it. I don't like my employees working through crunches to meet deadlines and every studio works through crunches to get releases and please publishers..."

Jeff just casually laughed it off and said "So we'll just not have crunches..."
I than immediately told him "You realise we have no idea what we're doing, this thing will never make money..."
Jeff just laughed for a good minute and said "Yea mate, we'll lose everything on this, but it'll be fun!"

And fun it was. For nearly four years. For four years we've funded the entire studio, learning from every failure and mistake along the way. For four years, we worked full time jobs during the day and joined the team for stand-ups in the evenings.

Today, we've let the team know next month is the last salary we'll be able to pay.
To our employees in past and present: Jimmy, Gunawan, Donny, Febri, Reza, and Adi, thank you for every day and every minute in the last 4 years.

To you, our fans, dear people who played and enjoyed our games, it was a genuine pleasure to respond to each and every one of you and improve our game one update at the time thanks to your feedback and care.

Below are the patch notes, for the biggest patch we've ever delivered.


Patch notes:
[Quality of Life]

  1. Selector Frames in Spell Assign Screen: Precision reigns supreme! Selector frames grace the Spell Assign Screen, allowing you to make choices with the utmost clarity.

  2. Notification Overhaul: Stay in the know! Notifications now grace the Finish Quest, Submit Quest, and Special Quest completion moments. Plus, receive a prompt inviting you to return to the Village after conquering special quests.

  3. Confirmation on Exiting Game: No more accidental exits! Receive a thoughtful confirmation when exiting the game, ensuring your progress remains secure.

  4. Data Reset Confirmation: A safeguard for your journey! Confirm your intent after initiating a data reset to prevent unintended actions.

  5. Enhanced Passive Buff Shop: Clarity reigns supreme! The Passive Buff Shop now showcases the results of stat increases, empowering you to make informed choices.

  6. Monster Attack Warnings: Danger lurks, but now you're forewarned! Monsters issue warnings before launching their attacks, granting you precious moments to strategize and evade.

  7. Magnetic Quest Items: Efficiency at its finest! Quest items are now magnetized, simplifying the gathering process.

  8. Important Dialogue Topics: Stay informed! Important dialogue topics now take precedence at the top of your dialogue choices, ensuring you don't miss crucial information.

  9. Flexible Dialogues: Choices galore! Dialogues can now be closed mid-choice, granting you the freedom to tailor your interactions as you see fit.

  10. Cloud Save: Guard your progress with the power of the cloud! Cloud save functionality is now at your disposal, offering peace of mind and seamless transitions between devices.

  11. And More Surprises Await: The adventure continues with a host of other surprises and enhancements to elevate your experience!


  1. Achievement Pop-ups: Celebrate your victories in style! Claiming achievements now triggers delightful pop-up notifications.

  2. Village Respawn Animation: Feel the magic of rebirth! Witness a graceful respawn animation when returning to the village.

  3. Sylvan Depths Makeover: The world unfolds in new splendor! The World Map for Sylvan Depths receives a captivating facelift.

  4. Animated Elegance: Prepare to be enchanted! Screens and pop-ups now boast captivating animations, adding a touch of elegance to your journey.

  5. Shop Facelifts: Aesthetic delights abound! Lyra's Card Upgrade Shop sports a fresh look, with Atticus' Passive Buff Shop set to receive its makeover soon.

  6. And More Polishing: Dive into a world polished to perfection, with myriad refinements enhancing your gameplay experience!

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Achievement Screen Fix: No more scrolling mishaps! The Achievement Screen now behaves as expected, keeping things neat and tidy.

  2. Biome Boss Integrity: Fair fights for all! The 2nd Biome Boss no longer has a penchant for skipping battles.

  3. Notification Frame Fix: Say goodbye to visual quirks! The broken notification frame has been repaired.

  4. Cutscene Sound Control: Silence after the show! Cutscene sounds no longer linger after skipping.

  5. Main Menu Highlight: Start on the right foot! The first item in the Main Menu now enjoys its rightful highlight.

  6. Flame Ray Consistency: Keep it burning, but only when active! Flame Ray duration now resets properly upon re-deployment.

  7. Paused Burn Damage Fix: No burn damage when time stands still! The Burn Status Effect no longer deals damage when the game is paused.

  8. And More Bug-Squashing: We've been hard at work ensuring a seamless gaming experience, addressing numerous other issues for your benefit!

It is the last and biggest update we've done, if we go into the night, it will be in an act that is befitting our name, it'll be with a bang!

Windows 64-bit Depot 1979131
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macOS 64-bit Depot 1979132
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