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No Creeps Were Harmed TD update for 12 September 2023

Update 0.1.14

Share · View all patches · Build 12172860 · Last edited 12 September 2023 – 22:09:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-You can now select multiple objects with shift + left click. You can select all of a type by double clicking. There is always a “primary selected” object you can use Tab to cycle through. You can upgrade, sort, complete scaffolds, etc, to all objects ‘matching’ the primary selection. For example, if you have 4 Blasters and 4 Rangers selected, upgrading Blaster damage will only apply to other Blasters in the selection list (if you can afford it).

-Improved artillery and toxic launcher aiming.
-Creeps will prefer to target the strongest structures, allowing the player to use strong / upgraded turrets to ‘tank’ for weaker ones.
-Upgrade similar function removed, replaced with the multi selection.
-The following maps have additional booster tiles near the driller to encourage the construction of fallback turrets (Cascade, Chamber, Coaster, Drainage, Jumble, Prospects).
-A few layout tweaks to the compendium.
-Skits and Brick armor stat has been changed to “damage scale” to make it more understandable.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1932261
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