Hi Everyone,
We've had some recent player feedback that our skiing tutorial should be even more detailed, so we've finally taken the plunge and paid our wonderful actress Kimberly Krall again to record new voice lines. Of course, we haven't left it at the tutorial, but gave her another 10 pages of text, which should amount to roughly another half hour of recorded narration. In this update, we've included the revamped skiing tutorial as well as some other tidbits here and there, that round the existing narration off even better. In the next month, we'll focus on including the bulk of the new narrations, which are basically optional, "endgame-style" stories about our host Vreni herself. Once we're done including those, the PCVR version of Snow Scout will be done and we'll move towards porting the game to standalone VR systems and hopefully PSVR2.
Until then, have fun with the new narrations. Of course, implementing new features means implementing new bugs as well, so if you come across any issues, don't hesitate to contact us here or on our Discord. As always, let me remind you that we'll reward contributions to the game with free keys to other SteamVR games - the details are in our Discord in this thread: https://discord.gg/qwpkpeAdXu
Keep on skiing,
Kalle from Tunermaxx
Changed files in this update