- User Interface setting now renamed to "General & UI".
- Due to popular request new Setting under General & UI : Seamless Transitions; default: Off.
- Due to popular request new Setting under General & UI : Corpse Disposal; default: 5 minutes.
- New Setting under General & UI : Combo Timing Visuals; default: Off.
- New Setting under General & UI : Parry Timing Visuals; default: Bosses Only.
- New Setting under General & UI : Soft Lock-On; Default: OFF.
- Soft Lock-On grants the player some control over the camera while having a Lock-On target.
- New Setting under General & UI : Dynamic Lock-On; Default: ON.
- Dynamic Lock-On switches to the closest target in range after the current target dies, is in line of sight or is out of range.
- New Setting under General & UI : Maximum Lock-On Distance; Default : 3600 Units.
- New Setting under General & UI : Lock-On Sensitivity; Default : 1.
- New Setting under General & UI : Strafing; Default : Lock-On.
- Control when the character will strafe, move while always facing the direction of the camera.
- New Setting under Gamepad : Auto Camera Sensitivity; Default: 1.
- Controls the speed of Auto Camera. Set to 0 to disable.
- Added auto camera for controller. Camera will now try to correct itself to be looking in the character's movement direction.
- Limbs of Giants can now be locked onto.
- Added new tutorial: Fast Travel.
- Added new tutorial: Essence Extraction.
- Added new tutorial: Manufacturing.
- Added new tutorial: Boss Scaling.
- Added new tutorial: Armor Rating.
- Added a new icon in the Handlers menu for easy tutorial access.
- Exclamation mark added in inventory when perk or ability point can be used.
- Character Stats details are now a tooltip pop up (temporary UI Design) instead of a new overlay.
- Details button that previously popped up stat details now hides/unhides new details window.
- All Character Stats now display exact values instead of "Slightly, Moderately, Greatly".
- Renamed Spellcasting Speed to Techno Casting Speed.
- Now displaying total weight in Kg in the Character Stats panel.
- Lore Pages are now sorted in lore order instead of last looted.
- Tweaked default values for Audio settings.
- Stabilising Unstable Perk Essence now displays the same UI as picking up an echo.
- Unstable Perk Essence returning to its place of origin displays the same UI as picking up an echo.
- Removed proximity check on enemy health bars, arrow damage now properly displays changing to their health.
- Majority of bosses and enemies can now properly dodge arrows/projectiles from the player.
- All enemies that could previously dodge arrows can now dodge projectiles as well.
- Enemies will no longer attempt to dodge arrows/projectiles at point blank range.
- Parry now costs stamina, Perfect Parry now returns initial stamina cost.
- Due to encounter difficulty increasing, following bosses are now be parriable: Konrad the Traitor, Nurgei the Blademaster, Plagued Nemesis, Vermillion Mirage.
- Added a faint glow effect on players weapons to indicate combo timings. : Can be turned on in the settings, off by default.
- Added a faint glow effect on enemies weapons to indicate parry timings. : Can be changed in the settings, bosses only by default.
- Several updates to maps: Enemy placements and props.
- Increased drop rate of Ionization Fluids.
- Several VFXs had their brightness toned down.
- Increased speed of character turn rotation for better control.
- Crablike enemy in Desert received a new model.
- Crablike enemy in Desert received longer windup to attacks.
- Moved loading screen trigger for HUB<->Rain District transition to be closer.
- Enemies' weapons now dissolve upon death.
- Arrows that missed the target can now be picked up by walking over them.
- Slightly increased detection radius of Nurgei the Blademasters grab ability.
- Nurgei the Blademaster is now parriable.
- Increased Wormlords overall damage on following abilities: Laser, Bombardment and Tornado.
- Wormlords Laser now applies burning debuff.
- Wormlords Bombardment now applies frost debuff.
- Wormlords Tornado now applies bleeding debuff.
- Increased duration of Wormlord Tornado to 32.5 seconds.
- Increased speed of Wormlords Tornado by additional 15%.
- Increased hitbox of Wormlords Tornado by additional 45%.
- Increased the hitbox of Wormlords Laser by an additional 10%.
- Archinquisitor Belisarius AOE Sentinel shrinks the arena by an additional 0.2m/s.
- Konrad the Traitor received 2 distance closer attacks.
- Konrad the Traitor now also throws a fire grenade that applies heat debuff. Randomly picking between the two grenades.
- Konrad the Traitor will now have reduced cooldowns on his abilities the lower his health gets.
- Increased the damage of Konrad the Traitors Spear Ability.
- Increased the damage of Konrad the Traitors Shockwave Ability.
- Increased the damage of Konrad the Traitors Bubble Ability.
- Increased the tick rate of Konrad the Traitors grenades.
- Reduced Konrad the Traitors Technomancy Armor Rating from 65% to 51%.
- Konrad the Traitor now receives an additional 15% speed increase on low health.
- Konrad the Traitor is now parriable.
- Royal Division Captain Yulia extended weapons are now always enabled.
- Removed some easy to dodge melee attacks from the Royal Division Captain Yulia attack pattern.
- Greatly increased hitbox precision of Royal Division Captain Yulia melee attacks.
- Royal Division Captain Yulias ground slam ability has been moved to the final phase.
- Royal Division Captain Yulias ground slam ability hitbox has been halved.
- Royal Division Captain Yulia and Vermillion Mirage no longer attack both at same time, but take turns attacking.
- Royal Division Captain Yulia received 2 new abilities during her downtime phase.
- Vermillion Mirage received a new ability during his downtime phase.
- Attacking Vermillion Mirage during his downtime phase causes him to exit the downtime phase and attack the player together with Royal Division Captain Yulia.
- Added more wind-up to Vermillion Mirage melee attacks.
- Greatly increased precision of Plagued Nemesis hitboxes.
- Plagued Nemesis is now parriable.
- Rusty Claymore default Mk reduced to Mk.0 from previous Mk.1.
- Tweaked damage of several enemies that could potentially one shot players early on.
- Increased damage of Restless Knights in Monastery.
- Increased impact of Agility on stamina regeneration delay.
- Greatly increased hitbox precision of all weapons.
- Greatly increased timing precision of all parriable attacks.
- Archery Mastery now increases Quiver Size.
- Greatly reduced time required before a chain attack is possible after blocking.
- Greatly improved viability of great weapons.
- Nurgei the Blademasters pillars now properly reset on players death.
- Nurgei the Blademasters animations no longer jitters during phase ability.+
- Wormlord no longer locks players in combat upon entering Desert Mirage.
- Fixed incorrect FX of Wormlords Tornado.
- Fixed Wormlords Laser hitbox sometimes missing players if playing under 25 FPS.
- Plagued Nemesis no longer teleports players on combat start.
- Archinquisitor Belisarius projectiles now properly pass through his Doppleganger.
- Archinquisitor Belisarius teleporting player no longer causes fall damage if teleport happens mid jump.
- Konrad the Traitor now properly looks at the player.
- Fixed Konrad the Traitor moving in slow motion during one of his dodge animations.
- Fixed missing FX on player receiving damage from Konrad the Traitors Shockwave Ability.
- Fixed missing grunt sound effects from Vermillion Mirage.
- Fixed Vermillion Mirage's heavy grunts not being heard from a distance.
- Fixed missing grunt sound effects from Royal Division Captain Yulia.
- Fixed Royal Division Captain Yulia sometimes having wrong walking animations.
- Fixed arrows not working in certain areas of the final boss arena.
- Fixed autosave names not properly being displayed while using the controller in the main menu.
- Fixed flickering FX in Desert Mirage zone.
- Fixed sound of footsteps of giants being heard from far away.
- Fixed FPS issues in Uranopolis caused by Uranopolis Taxi.
- Fixed several Out of Bound zones.
- Fixed incorrect FX on Nodachis tornado ability.
- Fixed navigation in Handler tutorial for Upgrading Gear.
- Fixed navigation in the Character Stats panel.
- Fixed buttons being grayed out in the Character Stats panel if tabbing in from the Crafting panel.
- Fixed Health Regen Concoction healing 5 health instead of 5% health.
- Ring of Gravitas and Ring of Degravitas have their effects fixed.
- Fixed Impenetrable Fortress not detecting if wearing a full set of heavy armor after death.
- Fixed Technocasting Speed not affecting all abilities.
- Fixed incorrect values used in calculating Movement Speed due to Encumbrance.
- Fixed certain enemies in Rain District not dropping aggro at distance.
- Fixed HUD not showing/hiding until weapons are drawn after setting has been changed.
- Fixed light issues in Monastery caused by killing the mini boss.
- Fixed some keybinds being unassigned to new players until settings are checked.
- Overwriting the character no longer resets NG+.
- Solaris, Greathammer, Armor Buster, Eviscerator and Archangelos are being properly held in hands now.
- Fixed Lock-On sometimes switching to the wrong target.
- Fixed dodge left/right sometimes being reversed while not using strafe movement.
- Fixed camera distance not properly being set while not using strafe movement.
- Fixed bosses sometimes dying on player respawn.
- Fixed description of certain concoctions to better represent what they do.
- No longer possible to access inventory during recalibration sequence.
Changed files in this update