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MAJOR Caliber update for 14 September 2023

Update 0.21.1: patch note

Share · View all patches · Build 12162983 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:03:45 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • We have lowered the prices for most items in the shop.
  • Added the Heavy Metal Battle Pass.
  • Added Hylan Legendary Outfits for the Jiaolong operators. They can be obtained in the Battle Pass.
  • Performed a large-scale rebalance of the operators.
  • Added a new mission for the Palm Road map.
  • Rebalanced the PvP version of the Palm Road map.
  • Increased the rewards earned by completing Daily Chartered and Premium Objectives.
  • Added visual effects when obtaining rewards for Objectives.
  • Changed the Coins to Credits exchange rate from 1 Coin = 22 Credits to 1 Coin = 50 Credits.
  • Added new items that can be purchased with Fragments: Three-Color Desert Camo, the Striker and Fore! Emotes, the Bulat Epic Outfit for Svarog, and the Amphibia Epic Outfit for Bourbon. They can be purchased in the Operator Customization menu.
  • Added partial gamepad support.
  • Reworked and improved the operator testing mechanic. Added the ability to test outfits.
  • Reworked and improved the Container interface.
  • Added the ability to purchase more than one of the same item at once (where applicable).
  • Reworked the battle statistics screen interface. It now displays the progress of the Combat Pay Objective.
  • Shared First-Aid Kit: This skill now allows using the First Aid Kit Reserve while at full HP.
  • АK-47, М14: Changed the weapons’ sounds for bots.
  • Added new grenade direction indicators.
  • Launcher: Fixed the Discord display name of the game.

Threshold mode:

  • Added this mode to the Radar map.
  • Heavy Fighter (bot): Reduced HP from 300 to 100, added 90% resistance to all kinds of damage.
  • Reworked the mode’s interface. Improved the AA systems’ status displays for both teams.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the objective "Be the first in battle to incapacitate an enemy player" from being marked as completed.


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 75.
  • Increased base Movement Speed from 3.5 to 3.6.
  • Increased base Sprint Speed from 5.2 to 5.5.
  • Increased the base ammunition load of the primary weapon from 4 magazines to 5.
  • Linear upgrade #13 "45-round magazine": now decreases the primary weapon ammunition by 1.

  • Increased the base ammunition load of the GM-94 special gear from 1 magazine to 2.
  • Increased the rate of fire of the GM-94 special gear from 0.8 to 2.4.

  • Increased the base ammunition load of the RDG-M special gear from 2 grenades to 5.
  • Increased the smoke screen spread rate and dissipation rate of the RDG-M special gear from 1 second to 0.3 seconds.
  • Decreased the fuse activation time of the RDG-M special gear from 4 seconds to 3.


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 65.
  • Decreased base Armor from 40 to 0.
  • Reworked the Piercing Shots Ability: it now increases the rate of fire by 30% (instead of a 20% damage increase, as it was before) and removes horizontal recoil.
  • Linear upgrade #6 "Switching firing mode to single shot while the ability lasts": increased the effective damage distance.

Game Designer Commentary:

Playing with the upgrade active is suitable for long-distance fire. When the upgrade is deactivated, then the ability is best used for mid- and close-ranged combat.

  • Upgrade #13-1 "Increased additional damage from the primary weapon while the ability lasts." is replaced by "Special Trait: the special gear explodes upon contact with a surface." Replaces the Stunned Effect with the Suppressed, Disoriented and Slowed Effects and decreases the ammunition load by 1 grenade.
  • Upgrade #13-2 "Special trait: primary weapon recoil decrease while the ability lasts" is replaced by the "Piercing Shots Ability upgrade. Eliminating an enemy with the primary weapon restores the operator’s Stamina." Stamina recovery +30 SP.
  • Increased the healing of upgrade #9-1 from 8 to 11.
  • Increased the healing of upgrade #9-2 from 5 to 8.
  • Linear upgrade #14 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Linear upgrade #14 "Tactical Flashlight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Increased primary weapon damage. Body shot damage increased from 75 to 80. Headshot damage increased from 165 to 202.
  • Increased armor penetration of the primary weapon from 80% to 83%.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread while aiming by 57.5%.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread focus time while aiming by 75%.


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 65.

  • Increased the base ammunition load of the RDG-M special gear from 2 grenades to 5.
  • Increased the smoke screen spread rate and dissipation rate of the RDG-M special gear from 1 second to 0.3 seconds.
  • Decreased the fuse activation time of the RDG-M special gear from 4 seconds to 3.
  • Linear upgrade #14 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

Marksman Komar

  • Increased primary weapon damage. Body shot damage increased from 55 to 60. Headshot damage increased from 106 to 145.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread by 15% while aiming.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread focus time while aiming by 140%.

22 SPN

  • Decreased base HP from 90 to 80.
  • Upgrade #10 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Increased the base ammunition load of the RDG special gear from 2 grenades to 5.
  • Increased the smoke screen spread rate and dissipation rate of the RDG special gear from 1 second to 0.3 seconds.
  • Decreased the fuse activation time of the RDG special gear from 4 seconds to 3.
  • Linear upgrade #10 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • The Escape ability: the ability can now be canceled by pressing [Q] again.
  • Sprinting now uses half as much Stamina while the ability lasts.


  • Decreased base HP from 90 to 75.

  • The Emergency Care ability: removed the delay before activating the ability.

  • Upgrade #4-1 "Special Trait: the special gear can destroy covers": increased the damage done to covers. Sturdy covers can now be destroyed in one hit.


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 75.
  • Linear upgrade #13 "Tactical Flashlight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Linear upgrade #6 "Tactical Module": Added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Linear upgrade #10 "Tactical Flashlight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Increased primary weapon damage. Body shot damage increased from 70 to 75. Headshot damage increased from 160 to 197.
  • Increased armor penetration of the primary weapon from 68% to 70%.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread by 15% while aiming.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread focus time while aiming by 100%.
  • Linear upgrade #6 "Tactical Flashlight": added a 25% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 65.
  • Linear upgrade #13 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Increased the base ammunition load of the M18 special gear from 2 grenades to 4.
  • Increased the smoke screen spread rate and dissipation rate of the M18 special gear from 1 second to 0.3 seconds.
  • Decreased the fuse activation time of the M18 special gear from 4 seconds to 3.
  • Linear upgrade #10 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 70.
  • The description of the Impersonation ability has been updated. Now it has the information that it’s possible to deactivate the ability by pressing [Q] while the ability is active.

  • Linear upgrade #6 "Tactical Flashlight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Linear upgrade #9 "Tactical Flashlight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).


  • Decreased base HP from 70 to 65.
  • Linear upgrade #10 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • The Jammer ability: the device can now be located by the sounds it emits.

  • Linear upgrade #6 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Increased primary weapon damage. Body shot damage increased from 145 to 155. Headshot damage increased from 225 to 240.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread by 15% while aiming.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread focus time while aiming by 125%.


  • Decreased base HP from 100 to 90.

  • Increased the base ammunition load of the GL06 special gear from 3 grenades to 4.
  • Increased the smoke screen spread rate and dissipation rate of the GL06 special gear from 1 second to 0.3 seconds.
  • Decreased the fuse activation time of the GL06 special gear from 4 seconds to 3.
  • Linear upgrade #6 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Increased primary weapon damage. Body shot damage increased from 65 to 70. Headshot damage increased from 115 to 155.
  • Increased armor penetration of the primary weapon from 50% to 55%.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread by 15% while aiming.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread focus time while aiming by 68%.
  • Manurhin MR 73 secondary weapon: decreased spread focus time by 166%.


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 65.

  • Increased primary weapon damage. Body shot damage increased from 70 to 75. Headshot damage increased from 135 to 174.
  • Increased armor penetration of the primary weapon from 58% to 63%.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread by 15% while aiming.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread focus time while aiming by 140%.


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 70.
  • Upgrade #8-1 "Base HP Increase" decreased from 10 to 5.
  • Linear upgrade #10 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Linear upgrade #14 "Tactical Flashlight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).
  • Linear upgrade #10 "Ammo Replacement: 12ga Dragon’s Breath": added the "instant hit" (hitscan) effect.


  • Decreased base HP from 90 to 75.
  • Upgrade #14-1 "Base HP Increase" decreased from 10 to 5.


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 65.

  • Increased the ammunition load of the M18 special gear from 2 grenades to 4.
  • Increased the smoke screen spread rate and dissipation rate of the M18 special gear from 1 second to 0.3 seconds.
  • Decreased the fuse activation time of the M18 special gear from 4 seconds to 3.

  • Decreased primary weapon recoil by 30%.
  • Linear upgrade #13 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • Increased primary weapon damage. Body shot damage increased from 65 to 70. Headshot damage increased from 140 to 180.
  • Increased armor penetration of the primary weapon from 80% to 90%.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread by 15% while aiming.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread focus time while aiming by 125%.
  • Linear upgrade #9 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).


  • Decreased base HP from 100 to 80.
  • Upgrade #8-1 "Base HP Increase" decreased from 10 to 5.

  • The Touch of Iðunn ability now restores HP over 5 seconds after activation, rather than instantly.
  • Changed upgrade #7-1: "Special Trait: holding the ability activation key restores 75 Stamina to all teammates. Restores 30 HP to the Operator".

Clarification for upgrade #7-1. By pressing [Q], the operator heals only teammates. By holding down [Q], the operator restores his teammates’ SP and heals only himself.


  • Decreased base HP from 80 to 70.
  • Decreased primary weapon recoil by 10%.
  • Improved linear upgrade #9-1 "Rate of fire increase": increased from +1.5 to +1.7.
  • Added upgrade #9-2 "Drone shooting accuracy increased by 15%".
  • Improved upgrade #13-2 "Drone shooting accuracy increase": effect increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Improved upgrade #15-2 "Drone shooting accuracy increase": effect increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Improved upgrade #15-3 "Drone durability increase": effect increased from 10 HP to 20 HP.

  • Linear upgrade #14 "Ammo Replacement: slugs" has been moved to Level 5. The upgrade now has the "instant hit" (hitscan) effect.

  • Decreased primary weapon recoil by 10%.
  • Increased the rate of fire of the HD66 secondary weapon from 6 to 8.
  • EMP Grenade special gear: increased the throw distance by 5 meters.
  • Linear upgrade #10 "Tactical Flashlight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).
  • Added the new linear upgrade "Firing Mode: three-round Burst" for the HD66 secondary weapon.

  • Decreased primary weapon spread by 15% while aiming.
  • Decreased primary weapon spread focus time while aiming by 125%.


  • Linear upgrade #10 "Laser Sight": added a 15% spread reduction when hip-firing (without aiming).

  • The "Shared First-Aid Kit" personal skill now allows using the First Aid Kit Reserve while at full HP.


  • Decreased base HP from 100 to 85.

  • Increased the base ammunition load of the RDG-M special gear from 1 to 3 grenades.
  • Increased the smoke screen spread rate and dissipation rate of the RDG-M special gear from 1 second to 0.3 seconds.
  • Decreased the fuse activation time of the RDG-M special gear from 4 seconds to 3.


  • Emblems window: fixed a bug that caused the Utility Specialist Emblem to appear blurry.
  • Chartered: fixed a bug that caused the wrong Objective icons to appear during battle.



PvE Version

Point Sweep and Special Operation modes:

  • Fixed a bug that allowed bots to pass through the escalator and the cabinets.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the operator’s model to twitch while interacting with a corpse.


PvP Version

Ranked Battles: Hacking mode:

  • Fixed a bug that caused an invisible object to block movement near Server B.


All Modes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from jumping down from one of the elevated terrain parts while incapacitated.

PvE Version

Point Sweep and Special Operation modes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from passing through the gates near the ladder, as well as some possible animation bugs in that area.

Onslaught: Veteran, Legend mode:

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused issues with the climbing animation when climbing over certain covers.
  • Fixed bugs that caused objects, like Field Bonuses and bots that had to be executed, to sometimes become inaccessible to players.
  • Moved the explosive barrel near the ladder that used to partially clip into the wall.

Onslaught: Legend mode:

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to interact with a bomb while standing on elevated terrain near it.


PvE Version

Point Sweep and Special Operation modes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from climbing onto the blue container.
  • Fixed the collision of one of the gates that was too large and prevented players from getting close to it.


All modes:

  • Fixed a bug that broke the camera when passing through the arch.

PvPvE Version

Threshold mode:

  • Fixed a number of issues related to climbing over, climbing on top of, and jumping down from objects.
  • Fixed a bug that broke the camera if the player got too close to one of the covers.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the APC of one of the teams to ignore enemies if they ran along the edge of the map.


PvP Version

Showdown and Annihilation modes:

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump down onto a non-existent obstacle.


PvE Version

Point Sweep and Special Operation modes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused a bot on the roof to spawn incorrectly.

PvP Version

Ranked Battles: Hacking mode:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to end up inside objects after climbing over or jumping down from them.


PvE Version

Onslaught mode:

  • Fixed a bug that broke the camera if the player got too close to one of the covers.

Point Sweep and Special Operation modes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused operator models to clip through some of the covers.


PvE Version

Point Sweep and Special Operation modes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the C-4 pick up and placement animations from playing.
  • Fixed a bug that caused robots and drones to fly incorrectly, clip through objects, etc.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to pass through one of the objects.

Onslaught mode:

  • Removed an invisible obstacle from one of the rooms.

PvP Version


  • Fixed a bug where operators couldn’t climb over one of the covers.


PvP Version

Showdown and Ranked Battles: Hacking modes:

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to drop below the map.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to jump down through a wall.


PvP Version

All PvP Modes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the enemy team’s operators to be visible during the victory cutscene.


PvP Version

Ranked Battles: Hacking mode:

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to prematurely leave the infiltration area by jumping off a car.

PvPvE Version

Threshold mode:

  • Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect icon to appear when marking AA systems with the [C] key.
  • Loading history…
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