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SpaceBourne 2 update for 11 September 2023

SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 3.0.0 Released

Share · View all patches · Build 12158112 · Last edited 11 September 2023 – 13:26:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 3.0.0

• Main Story Extended
(Part of the new features are related to the main storyline, therefore to avoid spoilers, they will not be published here.)

• Sub-House Management: Players can now create and manage sub-houses under their own faction. Players will have to maintain diplomatic relations not only with their own faction but also with sub-houses. 8 main sub-faction diplomatic decisions have been added to the game.

• Soldier Train Camp Added: Players can now quickly level up 4 soldiers by sending them to the training camp via the barracks at the capital station.

• NP Faction Intelligence Improved: NP factions AI has been enhanced with new features.

• AI Wars Added: AI factions can now engage in wars with each other. Players and their factions can directly influence these wars. Players can participate in AI vs. AI wars individually or with their faction and change the course of the battle.

• Faction Wars Balanced: Faction wars are now more challenging.

• Support Buildings Activated in Faction Wars: Capturing and holding support buildings can change the course of the war.

• New Crew Members Added.

• Ground Combat AI Improved: The AI for ground combat has been improved (still under development, but smarter than before).

• Texture and Overlays Optimized: Many poor-looking textures have been updated.

• AI Facial Morphs and Dialogue Animations Improved: AI characters' lips now move in sync with the dialogue text.

• Planet Landing and Surface Loading System Improved: It is now more performance-optimized and less bug-ridden. This should also fix bugs related to mission areas not spawning on the planet's surface.

• General Game Optimization: Projectiles, effects, shadows, and high frame rate animations have been optimized to prevent crashes due to performance issues.

• Diplomatic News Tab Added: Players can now follow diplomatic news and wars from the diplomacy interface.

• Landing Port Added to Player Faction Stations, for Motherships, and other big class Ships.

• New Soundtracks by TrapMusic Industry: 2 new environmental music tracks (for guilds and some stations) have been added. Many thanks to them!


Reported by players as follows :

• Some wars never end, regardless of whether I win or lose.

• If there is a war in a system, war starts even if I warp somewhere other than that battlefield.

• During a battle, if the battle ends while performing a "battle warp", the ship is stuck in the battle warp sequence. Cannot return to generic gameplay.

• My squad can sometimes attack me or ally ships.

• If I open the pause menu while quick saving the game, the save sequence is paused, and if I save the game from the menu at that time, both save files become corrupted.

• Bullet guide indicators stuck on the screen if the target ship is too far away.

• When a station is attacked, if I save/load the game within 4 seconds after the attack starts, I automatically win the war.

• If I leave large ships in the center of independent Faction stations and go inside, I cannot enter some areas in the interior. The ship's collision affects the inside of the station.

• Sometimes, quest locations (villages, camps, etc.) and other structures spawn on top of each other on some planet surfaces.

• I can make faction meetings at the old HQ (Cave) after I build a capital station. And when I do, newly added characters are not visible in the meeting, only their voices are heard.

• NPCs at the villages or the camps on the planet's surface are duplicated every time I use the hoverbike.

• Some side quests do not spawn when playing in languages other than English. The mission does not start when I go to the point indicated by the scanner.

• When looting ammo crates, sometimes it adds less or even negative amounts of ammo. For example, my ammo drops from 10 to -20 after looting.

• On some planets, the landing animation (sequence) starts to take off from the surface before it is completed, and I can never land on those planets. (We couldn't reproduce that bug but we think this is happening on planets with very short atmospheric distances, and we made some changes to prevent this, please let us know if the problem persists) )

• While purchasing a resource on the Faction trade screen, if I bring all the amount sliders to the end, I can buy all of them even if my money drops to 0.

• Some automatically opened tutorials do not register as seen and keep reopening. The Stargate tutorial appears every time I go to a Stargate.

• The game sometimes crashes if multiple enemy ships explode at the same time.

• In the main mission chain, the Jen Cave doesn't spawn on the planet's surface.

• When using the Misactor near a planet, it plays effects as if I landed on the planet, and all the lights in the game turn off, transitioning the game to a dark void.

• After the Alaysia mission, checkpoints are not saved properly. Loading some checkpoints opens a much older save file.

• Despite losing limbs in the gore system, AI continues to move and fight.

• If I re-enter the ship while the cockpit cover opening animation is playing after disembarking from the WRA ship, the ship's cockpit cover remains open.

• Even if I accept a peace treaty from a faction I am at war with, peace is not established. The treaty gets removed from the list, but the interface that shows the wars still indicates that we are at war.

• If I track a main quest, it always sets the 1st quest in the list to track status, and if I track a side quest while a main quest is "tracked", the game tracks both of them at the same time.

• NPCs walking in outposts get stuck and crowd in stairs and narrow spaces, preventing the player from passing through that point.

• In bounty missions, some high-reward bounties are easier than low-reward bounties. (We will revise the bounty system with a completely new mechanic in the upcoming updates, so we have added a temporary solution for now.)

NOTE: Translations for new tasks and dialogues have not been done yet, so the language of new tasks and dialogues is currently only in English. We will add them in the upcoming updates.

If you'd like to follow the SpaceBourne 2 Roadmap, it is regularly updated on Trello:


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