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RoundRunners Playground update for 10 September 2023

Patch Notes - Update 1.0.2

Share · View all patches · Build 12153903 · Last edited 10 September 2023 – 18:09:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Shocked Effect: The shocked effect has been reworked.

  • It will now leave a trail.
  • It will now no longer leave Periodically visible icons on the map.
  • The shock's sound effect no longer plays at regular intervals.


Added: Added error messages for banning players.
Added: An invisible wall has been added to the lobby.
Changes: Bunnyhopping will now provide reduced velocity per jump.
Changes: The playerlist keybind will no longer be visible for clients.
Changes: The playerlist keybind will no longer be displayed in tutorial maps.
Changes: The playerlist can now no longer be opened when on a tutorial map.
Changes: An error message will now appear when encountering a network error.


Bug Fix: Resolved a bug where all screen widgets would disappear when a session failed to host.
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the ban button would cease to function.
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the host would show up as a banned player.
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where lobbies could not be found when using a minimum available slots value of 1 or higher.
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the "Mad Dog Style" body outfit did not have any mipmaps.
Bug Fix: Addressed a bug where Steam friends' profile images would not load correctly when opening the friend menu for the first time.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where full-body particle effects did not correctly follow the forearms.


Performance: Made some minor performance improvements.


Cleanup: Removed some unused code.
Cleanup: Removed some unused plugins.

Known Issues:

Issue: Clients show up with the incorrect username on the tab-menu for the host.
Issue: Server ping consistently displays as 9999 ms.
Issue: Clients show up in chat with the wrong username upon leaving.

Note: If you encounter issues with seeing yourself as a banned player, you can resolve it by deleting the BannedPlayers.sav file while the game is running.

Thank you for playing!

Windows 64-bit Depot 2455261
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