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Word Dungeons update for 6 September 2023

Patch 1.1 is Here!

Share · View all patches · Build 12119976 · Last edited 6 September 2023 – 09:06:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone!

We've been cooking up a tasty update for you...

It’s been one week since the release, and we are happy to see the feedback we’ve been getting so far. We spent the past week doing our best to analyze feedback and push an update to hopefully address several issues people have with the game thus far. Today, we have a pretty significant balance / quality-of-life update.

Without further ado, here are the notes for this week’s update:

Major Word Bank / Hardcore rework:

  • The default word bank has been completely reworked from the ground up to use more common words. This will be referred to as the Standard Word Bank.

  • New Option: Expert Word Bank. This option uses the old word bank that the game launched with (you know, the one with all the obtuse words).

  • Technical differences between the two word banks:

    • The Expert Word Bank contains nearly 26,000 words, while the Standard Bank contains just over 10,000.
    • Because the Expert Word Bank is larger, players are able to achieve higher gold scores using it. So if you’re going for the top of the leaderboard, use the Expert Bank!
    • The Standard Bank will be continuously supported to ensure maximum fun and minimum frustration, while the Expert Word Bank will be left more or less ‘as-is.’
    • Hardcore difficulty now has the added challenge of always using the Expert Word Bank, in addition to having only one life. We’ll continue to monitor to see if this is a desirable change…

Side Note: We originally intended to leave in some of the more cryptic words to make sure the game wasn’t too easy for advanced wordsmiths, and to encourage use of the Runes against more cryptic words. However, we realized the difficulty was too unforgiving for new players. More seasoned players can continue to use the Expert Word Bank to challenge themselves, or if they feel they have gotten used to it.

Quality-of-life Improvements:

  • The 'Found Words' page is here! We added a new UI Element to allow players to see what words they have already found on a given level. Access this through a button in the top left, or by pressing the '~' key.
  • Removed the option to use the ‘cryptic puzzle’ tutorial. We felt this added no value to the game and only made it harder to learn the mechanics of the game.
  • Slightly sped up certain animations / delays to speed up the general pace of the game

Balance changes / other fixes:

  • Hard Difficulty now has slightly shorter halls on average to hopefully subtly reduce the time it takes to complete a run.
  • Adjusted Gold-Imbued word spawn rates to make Hard difficulty a little easier while making Easy difficulty slightly less of a Rune fest.
  • Slightly increased the chance for the ‘worst chest possible.’
  • You can no longer receive Rune upgrades from the well if you already have all of your runes maxed out. Try a harder difficulty next time ya word-slayer!
  • Updated the Expert Word Bank.

Future updates:

We are aware of a few other minor bugs that don’t seem to be entirely game-breaking, but please let us know in the discussion if you find anything. We still have other major updates cooking up so stay tuned. Thank you again for playing!

Happy Wording,

BlueRift Studios

Windows English Depot 2512701
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