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Super Auto Pets update for 4 September 2023

Update 0.28 - Ranked, spectator, reworked UI!

Share · View all patches · Build 12102695 · Last edited 4 September 2023 – 12:09:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Added 1vs1 ranked versus.
  • Added spectator mode.
  • Added async versus matches.
  • Added hard mode and shop rewards options to private versus.
  • Changed replays to show the whole game.
  • Changed user interface design.
  • Changed custom pack search to include ability text.
  • Changed custom pack so drafts can be made from unowned pets and food.
  • Changed pet levels to grey out if the ability has zero triggers left.
  • Changed artwork for Pill and Canned Food.
  • Changed pets so they all move forward after start of battle abilities.
  • Fixed toys not always triggering first.
  • Fixed toys trigger order not being consistent on both sides of versus Matches.
  • Fixed pancakes sometimes triggering after pet Start of Battle abilities.
  • Fixed this and that and this and that and forgot to write it down.
  • Removed classic background and food art.

Ranked versus mode is a new competitive sub-mode added to versus. Every player has a score that governs matchmaking and lets you see how well you are doing. It is based on the Elo rating system where you start with 1000 points and then gain and lose based on your opponent's score. We decided to keep it exclusive to 1vs1 versus because arena should be kept as casual as possible and 8-player versus is too chaotic. Ranked mode can furthermore only be played with standard packs because weekly and custom packs aren't balanced for competitive play. Every player has one single rank that is shared across all standard packs. We discussed the possibility of one rank for each pack, but decided to go simple for the first iteration.

Spectator mode will let defeated players in private versus keep on watching their friends. You can change which player you want to spectate by opening the in-game "VS" menu where you normally see opponents line-up and health.

Asynchronous versus matches means that you will be able to play multiple versus matches at the same time, with turn timers ranging from 2 minutes to 3 days.

The general UI have been revamped. Especially the custom pack builder has been improved. Besides the expanded search and filter functions, it is now also possible to make a pack even with unowned pets and food. Although, it still won't be possible to play with anything that isn't owned, but it will let you participate in our monthly pack building contest on Discord.

We apologise to the players who enjoyed the classic background and food art. There were a lot of small reasons behind the decision to remove them, like bundle size, memory usage, art inconsistencies, maintenance and license issues.

Similar sentiment to those players who love the previous canned food and pill. We are still in the process of making Super Auto Pets look and feels like its own thing, and part of that is to rework art that are too similar to their original open-source versions.

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