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Space Wreck update for 2 September 2023

1.2.70 - How To Captain

Share · View all patches · Build 12095036 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:45:32 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Space Wreck leaves the Early Access orbit and launches properly next month - October 10. In preparation for this event, we have gathered a list of changes, tweaks, improvements and fixes that we want to shoot out and let you try out before the full release.

And these are not just minor things, either. For example...

Rewind time to plot points directly from your star map

Starting from this version, the game will create new save games on certain plot points - as represented by the star map in the menu. You can then either rewind back your current playthrough at any moment or jump to an entirely different storyline; all from the start screen.

To support this functionality we had to start compressing our savegames as there can be many of them now. This is a good thing either way (7-8x size reduction) but the drawback is that you won't be able to edit them as easily as before. Sorry. Note that while your old, uncompressed saves will be supported, they will be compressed next time you save.

Speaking of saves...

You can now rename your savegames

Originally we wanted saving to be as simple as possible and just skipped the renaming step. But, after some feedback, it's clear that adding custom names to your saves can be helpful. So now renaming is available if you choose to. Or you can just click SAVE like before, default naming is provided as a suggestion.

Other than that there are some minor changes:

Reroll now available only on failure

Last update we introduced a reroll mechanic for failed rolls but, judging from the feedback, it was a bit complicated UI. Now it's a bit simpler - if you fail the roll, you have a moment to decide to retry (if you still have rerolls left).

Improving performance in specific cases

Some players have reported significant slow-downs in certain areas of the game. While the root cause is still unclear, I went over the code a bit and tried to optimize it a bit in general. Initial reports are encouraging, hopefully, it will help more people.

Oh, and check out the new action point diodes! People did not notice them previously so I kicked up visuals a notch.

Spacesuit checking doors

An obvious quality of life feature requested by many - external doors now are (logically) equipped with sensors that check if you have a space suit on before letting you through.

And last, but not least - we have a tutorial! Sort of. I mean, there's a brochure you picked up in the Space Academy and there are like 3 words about the dangers of space or smth.


Brochure HOW TO CAPTAIN is a very light informative material and you can literally just throw it away. But if you take a look inside, there are a few sentences about how exactly skill checks/dice rolls work, how to sneak, combat and so on. This is based on the feedback from players and we thought that might be useful.

Launch expansion on Oct 10

As noted, Space Wreck leaves Early Access on October 10, 2023 and - heads-up! - in preparation for the release, we will be raising and adjusting prices in a couple of days.

While, of course, the full-release version will be similar to the current Early Access build, it also comes with never-before-seen content - the launch expansion. Hint of what that could be about you can see in the image above. ^

Windows 64-bit Depot 1063541
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