Visual changes:
The message about closing when a window is broken is no longer duplicated if your restaurant was already closed at that time
Fixed plate positions for tables with sofas
Completed tasks in the tutorial no longer "hang" in the list
Employees and visitors open doors instead of walking through them
Fixed reset of waiter animation when additional visitors came to his table
Added indicator of illegal actions
Fixed audio action events that could play extra sound
Fixed a bug where it was possible to set an empty name to a restaurant
Fixed a bug when employees did not come to work if the save was at 7 am game time
Fixed early delivery spawn bug in training mode
Fixed money loss bug when selling shelves with additional items
Change in mechanics:
Zero balance of the restaurant at the beginning of the working day no longer affects the defeat status of the restaurant
The player no longer receives a loss if there was an amount on his deposit that covered the negative balance
Bot bet range reduced
Now your offer cannot be less than the competitor's bid
Added "Crime and Punishment" mechanics
People react if you hit them with a brick
Added a mini dice game with a prisoner
Added the mechanics of stealing products and goods
The opponent's restaurant work zone is forbidden to the player. Long stay in it will lead to the call of the police.
Added new location police station
The window repair sound no longer plays if you don't have enough money
Walking and running sounds no longer play when interacting with objects
Changes in the Customization section for the goods store
Added new decor items for the Miscellaneous section
Changed files in this update