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DYSMANTLE update for 31 August 2023

Announcing Dysmantle: Pets & Dungeons DLC

Share · View all patches · Build 12077213 · Last edited 31 August 2023 – 10:19:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello folks! As some might know, we teased “a continuation” to Dysmantle when we released the Doomsday DLC. After a hearty development period, we are happy to announce the third DLC for Dysmantle: Pets & Dungeons! We are looking for a late September release window for the DLC, but as usual, schedules might change if we deem it necessary to provide the quality expected of us by our fans.

So, what sort of package can you expect for the upcoming DLC? As the name suggests, you can adventure around the Island with a pet buddy. While you can only have one pet out at a time, there are several to discover and choose from. Pets range from ordinary yet fluffy to exotic and (still) fluffy canines and felines. There are over twenty new companions to discover! Mechanically speaking, this means a new inventory equipment slot reserved for your pet where you can freely choose a suitable pet for any situation.

Equipped pets will offer you boosts to your modifiers and help with both combat and wanton destruction. New trinkets, headgear, and food recipes enhance your pet's inherent strengths and weaknesses (while offering possibilities for questionable fashion choices). Your trusty sidekick will also follow your orders via new interaction items, and this is especially helpful when delving deep into the other parts of the DLC: dungeons.

As you might have guessed, your buddies don’t just materialize out of thin air but must be actively searched for in, you guessed it, dungeons! Early on during your new journey, you will meet an exciting yet talkative pair of, err… characters that will give you a direction to pursue and offer a brand new mystery to solve. Dungeons themselves will test both your brain and brawn and require full utilization of your newfound buddies' abilities.

Structurally, this DLC ties into the base game more tightly than previous downloadable content, as the dungeons are hidden in various spots of the main Island. It is a perfect addition to a fresh playthrough or a New Game+ run. Seasoned veterans will also likely find new additions empowering enough not to shy away from them. In addition to all of this, a new open-world map is tied into the story of the DLC that you slowly open up during the new adventure.

As an extra offering, if you happen to own either (or both) of the previous DLCs, you will receive access to bonus content!

Without further ado, here is the link to the store page so you can check it out yourself and wishlist it to be notified when it is available! Dysmantle: Pets & Dungeons

Changed depots in dlc3_test branch

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Windows DYSMANTLE Windows Depot 846771
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