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Tower of Chaos update for 28 August 2023

New game mode & character - patch 1.2

Share · View all patches · Build 12043304 · Last edited 28 August 2023 – 17:06:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello conquerors,

The time has come. Today we are launching the biggest patch yet for Tower of Chaos which includes Nue - a brand new character and Mind Trials - a free new game mode!

Starting with Nue, she is an incarnation of chaos sent by the main headquarters to assist you on your journey to prepare you for destroying the tower. As she is not the part of your team, you won't be able to experience a soul connection with her, but she is a fully voiced characters just like all the rest.

Interacting with Nue opens up a possibility to try yourself in the Mind Trials. These challenges will put you through 45 waves of enemies, including boss fights and a random difficulty of enslaved, with all unlocks at your disposal.

Upon finishing a wave you will be granted a random bonus: a blessing, a potion, an item or a trait and your task is to forge the strongest army ready to win all the battles with the granted resources.

A successful trial completion unlock new, stronger ones and rewards you with your team members statues that will start appearing in the local quarters. We also have plans to add more of these in the upcoming weeks and months!

New content:

  • Added Nue - a new character allowing you to enter the new game mode
  • Added Nue & new Arx voiced dialogues (in English)
  • Added Mind Trials - a new game mode with different tiers of challenges and 45 waves to complete
  • Added balconies at local headquarters to make room for statues unlocked for completion of trials
  • Added team members statues as a reward for a successful completion of Mind Trials
  • Added new journal entries

Balance changes and bug fixes:

  • Increased a chaos level gain on moving in a 2D exploration mode by 50% to make it more balanced with the 3D exploration mode
  • Various minor bug fixes

If you want to be among first informed about the new game mode and a new character coming to Tower of Chaos, join our Discord:

Remember to follow Tower of Chaos to not miss what's coming!

Laughing Foxes

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