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MAJOR Adrorium Playtest update for 1 April 2023

Energy Update (v0.10.4)

Share · View all patches · Build 10807620 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:47:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Hi captains!

This update is out, now!
You can play it yourself through the playtest option or through the demo.

Those are the highlights:


Electrolyzer, fuel cells, transformer


Ever run out of o2 and h2 but had mountains of unused water? Or are the turbines not providing enough power for you? I got you covered, convert liquids with each other and with both electricity grids like joggling balls.
Electrolyzer: 2h2o + electricity => h2 + 2o2
Fuel cells: h2 + 2o2 => 2h2o + electricity
Transformer: (Boost mode) Aux grid => Main grid, (Buck mode) Main grid => Aux grid


Fusion & singularity reactors


Do you have nothing to sink your resources into in the end-game? Well, those 2 overpowered reactors will give you enough plasma to power a entire planet... sustainably.


New precise building system


No more overlaps and nice building animation. Did I mention you can place multiple blocks in the same voxel (1x1x1m) if they don't physically overlap?


RCS nozzle effects


No space sim is complete without RCS nozzle particles!


New suitdock, lift, deck elevator and cargodoor


You will learn to love the deck elevator, up and down, get to other decks in no time, gone are the days of stairs or ladders.


Updated energy console


Well... we can't have all those new energy blocks without a 80 button startup procedure, now can we?


All blocks on inside


Getting out of the ship for repairs is not fun, I know; that's why all blocks are accessible for repairs from inside as well.


Rename ship command


Somehow 'Crocked sparrow' sound way better than 'My Ship(7)'. Let's see what names you come up with. Remember, type in chat: /renameship [name of ship] .


Lots of multiplayer fixes


After hours and hours of playing multiplayer I never got a single error(desync/network errors not included). MP is getting more and more stable with each update.


New items and item sprites


Plushies for me, plushies for you , plushies for everyone.
Ran out of power and only need seconds to start up the turbines? The hand held crank generator will give you the squeeze you need to run the energy console for a bit.
Last but not least, you don't have to work so hard writing the complains about the bad quality item images, I know and I am actively updating them.


More modding options


Tired of the same red cone model you see when you shoot the gatlings? You can shoot rubber ducks at turrets now. Be the first one to make this mod! Oooor replace bullets with individually loadable ammo clips. Blocks, recipes and items got new configurable fields for you to play with.


Dismantling gets all items back


Placed the RCS in the wrong orientation? Want to clear a hallway for your battery farm? I got you covered. Take apart any block and recraft it again at no additional cost.

Signing out,

Windows 64-bit Adrorium Playtest Windows Depot 1641402
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Linux 64-bit Adrorium Playtest Linux Depot 1641403
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macOS 64-bit Adrorium Playtest Mac Depot 1641404
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Windows 32-bit Adrorium Playtest Windows32 Depot 1641405
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Linux 32-bit Adrorium Playtest Linux32 Depot 1641406
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