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Easy Red 2 update for 16 March 2023

Update 1.2.1f13: Many new animations, Normandy Campaign news and more!

Share · View all patches · Build 10789042 · Last edited 16 March 2023 – 22:59:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone,
First of all, here's all the news since last public update:

New features:
•Reworked Gewerhr 43 animations.
•Reworked Gewehr 41 animations.
•Reworked Flemmenwerfer 35 animations.
•Reworked Dp28 animations.
•Reworked Breda animations.
•Reworked Beretta M34 animations.
•Reworked TT33 animations.
•Added various new trench props.
•Added a new smoke prop.
•Added destructibility to various sign and trenches props.

•Fixed sun direction.
•Fixed reload animation when inventory is open.
•Fixed Thompson animations.
•Fixed MAB38 animations.
•Fixed various sounds
•Fixed UI refresh bug.
•Reworked rocks.
•Reworked bunkers.
•Improved BAR animations.
•Fixes with inventory names.
•Added possibility to melee downed units.
•Fixed bug with hold breath when using static MG sometimes.
•Various other smaller fixes.

For the next weeks we will go on reworking animations (we are about at 50% of the FPS animations rework, soon we'll start with TPS ones as well), and we will keep working into fixing bugs and adding more features from your suggestions.

We are also going on with Normandy DLC, in fact we can show you a VERY EARLY short omaha beach clip:

Currently we have most of the map ready, most of the buildings placed (they still are to be finished tho), some new vehicles ready, some new features like the rope feature for pointe du hoc almost ready, and we already have placeholders ready for 10 new missions (probably the DLC will have at least 16 missions in total)
We estimate that we will need at least a couple more months to finish the new campaign.

We also released a patch on Nintendo Switch last week to keep the Nintendo version as up to date as possible.

In case you didn't know we have defined a precise roadmap for the next months of development and you can read it here.

We keep improving all features of the base game and as always we will be going on listening to suggestions from people inside the Steam Discussions and the Discord server.

The updates for the base game we are constantly releasing are very expansive, so if you are interested on giving us a hand to make a better work, this is our Patreon. All the money raised from this will be spent to make a better game.

Thank you all,

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