Hello. This is an urgent update to fix a crash on Road map when using Rolf. I'm also including a couple of changes to character stats and weapon effectiveness that I have been working on. This is just another step towards making the characters more unique.
Btw. If you're enjoying the game, please consider adding a review of it on Steam. Thank you.
- Character stats can go beyond 100% depending on character's initial stats
- Characters are labelled either as a Melee, Ranged or Magic fighter. Weapons are similarly grouped into these and weilding a weapon that goes against your trait will have negative effects (-20% damage and attack rate for said weapon)
- Movement speed on Road map's "middle road part" is 20% faster for player and enemy ground units
- High crash chance on Road map when using Jester's diversion ability
- Potential crash if exiting game during a boss battle
- Weapon DPS stats could show as infinite if it had damage without time passing by
Changed files in this update