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Tropicalia update for 12 October 2023

Version 1.2 with a lot of news

Share · View all patches · Build 10676565 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:15:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

First update patch! Here are some of the main fixes:

  1. New animated backgrounds in the mountain maps and in the sky!

  2. All reported bugs have been fixed, the main one being a crash in the final secret boss fight. The new version is very stable!

  3. The entire game has been rebalanced! The mid-game is now easier, so you can choose between worlds 3, 4, and 5 out of order. In the old version, any battle in an advanced area was a death sentence.

  4. Bosses now have resistance to negative status effects and immunity to poisoning, as it was reported that it made some bosses trivial. However, the late game is still balanced around your most powerful spells.

Thank you for playing Tropicalia and for your patience while these issues were fixed. As a solo developer, sometimes I need to step away from the project before diving back into it and finding it fun. And good news, I found Tropicalia fun, even as the creator, after all these changes!

I hope you do too! It's a classic RPG, a bit of grinding is part of it, but now the experience is much smoother!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention:

  1. The Early Access version of the game is back! Play Kaique's mini-adventure!

That's it! Hugs!

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