New Features and Improvements
- The AI can now tame wolves and use dogs; improved the AI's management of breeding its horses and dogs
- Optimized shadows
Corrections and Fixes
- A galley's stockpile and armory could be visible when the galley was not in some cases
- Units disembarked from a galley were not placed around it on land as intended
- A beached galley did not unpack its stockpile and armory in some cases
- Selecting a ship did not show the 'Carried' subtab
- Fisher boats could move too close to land when searching for areas with more fish
- Fixed a rare crash related to pathfinding
- The AI could send its galleys to attack before loading all intended warriors
- Artillery galleys did not turn to face some targets automatically
- Reduced fisher boat food gathering rate
- The Unit-Attached subtab shows units as categories when more than ten are selected
- The 'Items' subtab is not shown when only ships are selected
- The tech tree queued tech display shows the progress of each tech
Changed files in this update