[Balance] Multiple adjustment and other things to make it a bit more fair for players
[FIX] Camera completly lock when under ceiling.
[FIX] Another attempt to remove render pipeline on server.
[CLEAN] Remove stuff and more clean up (objective 0 error in Odin, still have 200+).
[PERF] Try to remove the Renderpipeline when building the server, it'll probably don't work but meh let's try.
[FEAT] MainScene : Disable GPUInstancerDetailManager by default on server
[FEAT] MapOptimizerManager : Enable GPUInstancerDetailManager on start client
[FIX] HarvestableController : Attempt to fix no harvestable on the map
[FEAT] MapObjectController : Destroy eventual GPUInstancer & DynamicCulling on server
[CLEAN] a lot of stuff cleaned and removed.
[CLEAN] Try to destroy all gpu instancer stuff when running on server.
[CLEAN] Try to remove gena log that spam the console when starting a server.
[FIX] BuildingParts: implemented Strongside damage factor per building part and per damageFactor items in the lists, for a finer granularity, thus allowing explosives to get rid of Strong/soft sides detection (WARNING: ALL STRONG SIDE VALUES UNITIALIZED FOR NOW, SO BEHAVING LIKE SOFT)
[FEAT] Blacksmith: now displaying a message on Blacksmith when starting craft/repair, inviting to use upgrade tool and displaying completion percent
[FIX] InfluenceChest: attempt to solve Tax area message not appearing (due to observer)
[FEAT] Upgrade ABLogger to be able to directly use .log to write log only in editor.
[FEAT] Make ABLogger don't write extended stacktrace for simple Log.
[FIX] Temp fix to don't destroy asset in Editor (fix error). Wait for refacto of map biome data.
[FIX] Force reset player camera if player try to look through
[FIX] Workbench Window, craftable doesn't show up on the first inspection : fixed
[FEAT] BlackSmith window : Disable RepairResearch buttons when slot is empty
[FIX] Weapon/Tools : FIX LOD
[FIX] Server not init, infinite waiting for isLocallyReady : Windows disabled by default, register events in a init method (DisableOnStart removed)
[FIX] PlayerPhysicsManager : ExcludeOwner on SyncVar_IsRunning to avoid Server not active issues
[FIX] PlayerPhysicsManager : Put a tag Client above C_OnRequestBlockPlayerInput to run this code on client only
[FIX] HarvestableController : Remove set syncVarActiveOnNetwork in the method SyncIsActive to fix Server not active issue
[FIX] PlaceableRespawnController : Init Sync_CurrentInteractionState in OnStartServer to fix Server not active issue
[FIX] Override issue : some class doesn't override start or OnDestroy etc...
[FIX] GetHashCode issue : ItemSlotAndNotId, SerializableSystemType have Equals override but no HashCode
[FIX] PickupController : Attempt to fix flying pickups
[FIX] ContainerManager, could equipment multiple item of the same category : MoveToContainers was adding a trades even when it failed
[FIX] Metal Buildings: modified collision type to metal, for grabbing correct sounds
[FIX] DoubleDoorWoodReinforced: bad texture in material
[FIX] InteractionRayCast: attempt to stengten interface GetComponent calls
[FIX] UIWindow, Benches won't works well on first inspection :
- windows are active by default, register events on start then disable themself
[FEAT] Benches : persistence for level
[FEAT] Blacksmith: fully persisted, container content
[FEAT] PlayerKnowledge: modified behviour to set the percentage from console for instance
[FEAT] Blacksmith Window : - More informations displayed
- Can Research
- Display globally enchanced
[FEAT/REFACTO] Code, ton of interfaces for UI, used on new features
[CLEAN] Add crush compression to a lot of texture and fix import setting missing on fews textures.
[FEAT] SpawnablePrefabs : Add Digging Tool Pickup
[Fix] Rework, the size of Digging tool being ridiculously small
[Nerf] Bandage Healing went from 40 -> 15
[Nerf] Healing things gone from 1.5 sec of usage to 3
Changed files in this update