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Galactic Civilizations III update for 7 March 2023

Galactic Civilizations III v4.52 Fixes Issues and Updates Balance

Share · View all patches · Build 10656710 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Galactic Civilizations III fans! Our latest update is out of opt-in and is now available for you. See Lord Kona smiling up there? Yeah, he's excited, too.

In v4.52 we focused on fixing a few issues that our users have reported. It was brought to our attention that the Promethion cost in the Industrial Replicator improvement and the spice cost on the Dream Conclave improvement in the Crusade expansion were wrong, so we made sure to correct that. We also fixed a hang that would occur going into the diplomacy screen and an issue during the Altarian Prophecy campaign where dialogue options weren't providing the right amount of ideology points.

We also wanted to address some balance issues with v4.52. To that end, we have introduced a new research bonus to the Information Processor improvement in Retribution. This improvement now provides a +1% per level research bonus, which will make an even more valuable addition to your civilization's assets.

To maintain balance with the Information Processor improvement, we made some changes to it within the Crusade expansion. The bonus provided has been reduced from 5% to 2% to ensure that it synergizes well with our other adjustments. To make it easier to increase your population levels and build more prosperous civilizations, we've switched Silicon Cities and Synthetic cities to a % level up population bonus.

Thanks so much to everyone who tried out the opt-in and shared their feedback with us! Your opinions, bug hunts, and crash reports help us so much to continue making this game the best it can be. See you online!

Changelog here

Galactic Civilizations III Content Depot 226861
  • Loading history…
DLC 373980 Galactic Civilizations III - Map Pack DLC Depot Depot 373980
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DLC 395990 Galactic Civilizations III - Snathi DLC (395990) Depot Depot 395990
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DLC 411650 Galactic Civilizations III - Mercenaries Expansion Pack (411650) Depot Depot 411650
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DLC 484860 Galactic Civilizations III - Rise of the Terrans DLC (484860) Depot Depot 484860
  • Loading history…
DLC 495371 Galactic Civilizations III - Altarian Prophecy DLC (495371) Depot Depot 495371
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DLC 527070 Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade Expansion Pack (527070) Depot Depot 527070
  • Loading history…
DLC 976210 Galactic Civilizations III: Retribution Expansion (976210) Depot Depot 976210
  • Loading history…
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