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Nodrog's Fortress update for 28 February 2023

Nodrog's Fortress V1.5 Story OMEN

Share · View all patches · Build 10651807 · Last edited 28 February 2023 – 03:09:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

A Brief list of QoL changes and Fixes...

[QoL Improvements]

  • Reeds and other Map Objects that Hide Characters now fade to reveal the Character if they should not be hidden to the Player (Party Member or Ally).
  • Tile Labels now show [Invalid Target] if the Map Tile cannot be targeted by the chosen Ability and will also warn you if a Character Target far away as well.
  • Minor Network UI Cleanup ~ Removed some unused objects, scaled things around a bit, etc.


  • The calculation of Ability ranges and other functions that required an area of tiles were over-writing the same area list, causing artifacts in how Abilities executed and how their available ranges displayed during assignment. This major issue has been fixed!
  • Owing in no small part to the fix above, when selecting an Ability or Highlighting an Ability Button, the correct range is now highlighted by the Map Visualizer, taking move actions into account. This limited the tiles you could target for certain abilities.
  • Text on Tile Highlights is properly deactivated after moving the mouse away from its parent Map Tile.
  • If the Player selected an Ability that targeted a Map Tile, the Action Menu instantly selected a target Map Tile if one existed under the clicked Ability Button, preventing the Player from properly targeting the chosen Ability.
  • Ability Ranges and other functions that required an area of tiles were over-writing the same list, causing artifacts in how Abilities executed and how their available ranges displayed during assignment. This major issue has been fixed!
  • Tool Tips were preventing Buttons from being clicked! Ray casting on the UI Canvas they live on as well as their individual interactions with Ray casting were all deactivated to prevent this silly issue from popping up again.
  • Chat in Multiplayer covered up the Companion Selection Menu when the Match Setup UI was in certain configurations. Chat has been moved out of its own Canvas and into the Network UI Canvas to better integrate it around the other Multiplayer UI.
  • Various changes were put in place to further prevent Sync errors during Online Matches (see below for more in Known Issues).

[Known Issues]

  • Online Matches can still end with a Sync Error despite many strides to combat the Demon(s) that could be causing them. Each player involved in a Sync error is given a free point for the trouble as I continue to gather data and find the weak links in the deterministic chain.
  • Active Time Frame Durations are are dynamically set to match ~30fps for the simulation regardless of the actual framerate, but you may still experience slowdowns on weaker hardware as there is a lot going on in each simulation step, especially in Survival Matches or Matches with a high number of spawned Characters. It appears we are largely render bound moving forward with this release, so be sure to try disabling the Shadows and Real-time Lighting options if you have any performance issues.
Windows Depot 1753382
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