Quest Contingencies:
- During a quest, if a task was unsuccessful, an alternate strategy will be generated. The maximum number of times you can fail in this way is 1 (after that, if you fail again you’ll just get reduced xp, but still move on to the next task)
- “Give Up” current task: If the current task is infeasible or too difficult, trigger the contingency yourself by pressing “Give Up”, which will generate an alternate strategy. You can do this an unlimited number of times.
Choose your next quest:
- After each stage of the main quest is completed, you now get a choice of 3 possible next quests.
Better required quest item detection:
- You may now specify a thing/item to use as the required quest item. The AI will decide if it’s usable.
- Migrated to the newer API of kobold horde (free cloud gen) to futureproof it more
- Tried to fix rare cloud gen error "Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream" (not verified)
- Probably fixed “cuda too old” issue on older GPU’s. It should now correctly fall back to CPU in that case.
- Fixed accumulating extreme lag on dropdown menu for right click
- Special shout out: Thanks Sylverone and Six Dots of Snowflake for streaming my game in our Discord!
Changed files in this update