This update adds a brand-new map called "Skull Island", where the robber team has to infiltrate a luxurious residence located on a private tropical island! It features lots of new entry and escape points like hidden doorways, boats, cargo planes, and more! The robber team can also choose to cut the vulcano cooling, triggering a vulcano explosion which opens up a new entry into the underground vault!
The primary target of the robbers will be the extensive underground facilities, featuring new stealable items, a weapon rack, the main underground vault and lots of possible escape routes!
Multiple, previously weaker classes have also received upgrades and overhauls, starting from the Master Thief drone now being able to fly faster and press buttons, which can be useful to open otherwise locked doors!
The Gym Buddy can now throw bags, allowing him to get money to the getaway vans a lot faster, and without the risk of being detected by cops while carrying it around!
Bodyguard's energy shield now has a wall shape instead of forming a bubble, which should offer more placement options, especially considering it now lets bullets through from one side, allowing the Bodyguard to shoot robbers while still protecting himself and the VIP! He can now also push around VIPs to help them escape from dangerous situations, and guide them to safety.
Pilot's plane also got improved, it can now fly and maneuver around the map a lot faster, while having a lower stall speed, allowing the Pilot to slow down a lot more to investigate suspicious activity more easily!
The Janitor garbage pickup and lock placing mechanics have also received an update, making them a lot easier to understand by adding new UI elements showing his current progress, and increasing his pickup speed.
There are also lots of other improvements and bugfixes in this update, most notably changes to cop AI respawn behavior to prevent them from draining the cop teams' lives, map votes now only go through at the end of a round, to prevent players from skipping the current round with a vote if they have already died, and players should now be able to vote for custom maps on dedicated servers.
The level editor also received a big update, with lots of new gameplay objects ranging from bulletproof cameras to new helicopters, as well as around 2,000 new island-themed props. Map creators can now also choose between starting with the default city environment, or building on a "Tropical Island" preset, similar to the new "Skull Island" map!
Full changelog:
- added new "Skull Island" map (server map name: "TropicalBaseMap")
- added new "Cartoon Post Processing" graphics setting
- added new "minWins" and "maxWins" server settings (only allows players that have atleast minWins and less than maxWins)
Class Changes:
Master Thief:
- drone can no longer taser players
- drone can now press buttons
- increased drone acceleration
- Micro HP loss while tiny reduced from 1.5 HP/sec to 0.5 HP/sec
Gym Buddy:
- Gym Buddy can now throw bomb, money and gym bags (hold drop key to charge)
- increased Sniper Rifle pullout speed (fixes having to wait on scope animation)
- increased plane top speed and agility by 30%
- reduced plane collision damage by 50%
- reduced plane minimum speed
- can now push VIPs around
- electromagnetic shield is now a wall instead of a bubble
- electromagnetic shield now lets projectiles through from one side
- electromagnetic shield can now be rotated while placing it
- Janitor now shows current lock charges (instead of recycling charges)
- UI now shows the progress to the next lock for the Janitor
- doubled scrap pickup speed
- Janitor locks now make a sound when picked by a robber
- NPCs will no longer walk through puddles (except for the first 2 seconds to allow robbers to react to it)
Game Changes:
- successfull map votes now change the map after the current round has finished
- killed cop bots now take 10 seconds to respawn (instead of instantly respawning)
- killed cop bots now only take a team life when respawning, not when dying (in case a human player requires a team life while the bot is waiting to respawn)
- killed cop bots now won't respawn if it would take their teams last remaining life
- reworked scope materials to look a bit cleaner
Map Changes:
New York:
- replaced trees with newer models
- added bench to help players climb out of a hole near Main Entrance
- fixed cop bots triggering FBIs motion detector
- fixed Master Thiefs drone not being disabled by Developers frequency jammer
- fixed Micro having normal-sized footprints while tiny
- fixed sometimes still being able to shoot/punch while being dead/spectating/selecting teams/classes
- fixed not being able to vote for changing to a custom map on dedicated servers
- reworked money bag physics replication to ensure its always at the same location for all players
- fixed "Community Map Showcase" showing too many lines of the map description
- fixed abilities going on cooldown when picking up diamonds as Master Thief or using Gym Buddys trampoline
- fixed death screen sometimes not disappearing when new round starts
- fixed short map names like "Casino" being too large in the map selection host menu
Level Editor:
- added lots of new tropical island props
- added lots of new gameplay objects (ambulance heli, police heli, getaway boat, getaway heli, bulletproof CCTV, ...)
- added new system that allows for different sublevels in the level editor (backup your maps before testing)
- added new "Tropical Island" sublevel to the level editor (replaces the city environment)
- level editor UI improvements to increase readability infront of bright surfaces
- fixed AI not pathing over invisible walls
- fixed "No AI Block Door" having an included AI Block
- potential fix for cop spawn not working under rare circumstances
- added new "Roof Corner Border Edge"
Changed files in this update