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Iragon: Prologue 18+ update for 24 February 2023

New Build!

Share · View all patches · Build 10630927 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

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New Build!

Click here to see our new update video.

Three new scenes
Welcome back to another Iragon changelog. As promised last week we now have three polished scenes where our heroes save Esme or Mindee - depending on who your pick in the game is. There are face animations, adjustments to the materials, and some camera changes. We hope you like these scenes.

Ranged enemy improvements
We also completely redid the behavior of the Mage enemies. They now have an area of effect attack and will also try to run away from you if you get too close.

Follower AI update
Lastly, we’ve made various changes to the follower AI, including them being no longer invincible before the end of the Sewer levels.

When do you play video games?

We're all busy with our own stuff and life often finds a way to fill up all of our free time. That makes finding the time for playing video games pretty hard for some of us. So when do you find the time to play games? Is it early in the morning, during your lunch break, or maybe late at night when everyone else is asleep?

Windows Linux Iragon: Prologue Content Depot 1522261
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