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Fargone update for 23 February 2023

Terrain culling and bug fixes | TOTH -

Share · View all patches · Build 10615383 · Last edited 23 February 2023 – 00:39:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


-Culling for terrain to help with performance and lower gpu usage


-Military have been tweaked to have better accuracy and armor reflecting their training and gear
-Arena defence building modified to fix AI pathfinding issues
-Arena difficulty has been adjusted
-Tweaked loot spawns across all containers and characters
-Visual changes to crafted tent
-Lowered weapon jam chance


-Fixed bunker 27 not accepting card
-Fixed undead still making sounds after death
-Fixed revolver loading above max amount
-Fixed more instances of floating geometry
-Fixed invivisble defence building in arena
-Fixed zombies walking through factory
-Fixed auto sort causing duplication or loss of items in some cases
-Fixed some UI issues related to the health breakdown section
-Fixed variouse instances of effects not rendering such as smoke and bullet holes
-Fixed variouse issues with containers and storing items
-Fixed player being able to crouch in deep water causing them to clip under the water

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