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The Cenozoic Era update for 22 February 2023

Update -

Share · View all patches · Build 10607147 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, survivors

We have a few changes we made to this new update, this update is focused on ease of gameplay there was a few things that could sour your gameplay a bit, even if it felt realistic it can still get frustrating to deal with cough cough temperature


I played the game myself to get a feel for it and well, I did not like how badly you'd over heat, so I cut the heating effects down by a bit and herbivores have had their heat cut in half compared to carnivores, there will be a more dynamic system in the future for specie specific, but for now, we've reduced the overall heat effects and gave the herbivores a boost over carnivores in terms of movement heat generation

Made some adjustments to the temperature system, mostly for cold, before if the temperature was below 50 youd start to freeze and slowly die that was now adjusted to be anything below 20, so colder weather wont be a massive struggle like before

Health Regen

We also increased the health regen speed, so now it won't take you forever to heal, although it still wont be the fastest healing in the world it will defiantly be 3x faster than before

Grab System

We adjusted the grab mechanic for adults picking up young animals to be less buggy, it still needs further testing, but it is more refine and smoother looking on both ends. we also fixed the issue of not dying once you fully drown

Hateg Isle work

There was some map fixes, holes, lots of them, they were 'patched' up and should be good to go now, we also adjusted all the fish spawners to be closer to the shore now

Server owners and moderators, Idea credit: TheOne™#8658

A new system we introduced was different colored nametags for moderators and server owners, so lets get into this with a bit more detail

Moderators - cyan blue color, has no access tp the admin panel, but their colored username verifies them as a trial moderator or someone with authority in the server

Server Owner - Access to the admin panel, only difference between this one and admin is your name will be purple so people can tell if you're the owner of the server/co owner of the server

how to set this up in your config files is the same way you'd add admins, only difference is, instead of "admins=" you'll put "moderators=" or "serverowner=" you can make as many of those as you need and add as many people to them as you desire

I wish you luck and not getting snatch up by a fox and bitten to death in his mouth, it, kinda happened to me

Opendix147 being destroyed by a pesky fox

That's the face of a man who seen god

But not only that, we also love seeing screenshots shared in our discord, so for each update we will feature some of the best ones submitted

dead bird#3333


Darth Revan#4991


шесть ноль пять четыре#6054


Thanks for these wonderful screenshots

Have fun, see you all next time with some more updates, cheers!


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